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It was silent, nothing could be heard, Troy went to class, Karla went to work, Ms. Gonzalez had a meeting. Kiara was alone. Underneath her best friend comforter watching Netflix on her phone. She hasn't gotten up for the past two days, only if she had to pee but other than that she was fine, she ate all of Troy's snacks he had hidden in his room. Kiara wasn't good with death, when she was 10 her gold fish died and she was sad for 2 days, but it was different this time, it was a human who passed, her grandmother at that. She cared for her all 22 years of her life. Kiara wanted her granny to see her walk across the stage at her college graduation, see her become a business women, get married and make her wedding dress but that was all over now in her eyes. She would have to buy a wedding dress from David's Bridal or something, it wouldn't be handmade, straight from the heart, by some rich white guy who wears glasses and is bald was going to be her designer.

Her phone began to ring and Kiara simply pressed decline and continued to watch Spongebob. It rang one more time and Kiara declined it once more, it rang a third tone and she grew annoyed.

"What!" She answered.

"Sorry is this a bad time? If you can give me another time, I can tell Mr. Francois to call you then." The soft voice spoke over the phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm just.." Kiara began to say. She sat up in the queen size bed and cleared her throat. "This is Kiara, who's speaking?" She asked.

"I'm Julia, Mr. Francois' assistant. I was just wondering if you were still coming in tomorrow afternoon? To help with the website and to take the pictures for us." Julia informed Kiara. Kiara complete forgot about her opportunity and immediately got a piece of paper to write down the information.

"Yes. I'm still coming. What time again?"

"11. We would like to start early before any of his meetings."

"Okay. That's fine. I'll be there. Thank you."

"Mhm, have a nice day." With that the two hung up the phone. Kiara looked around the bedroom seeing nothing but trash and tissues. She threw the comforter from over her body and put her feet onto the cold wooden floor. She stood from the bed and began to pick up the trash, she couldn't sit there and not clean Troy's room, he'd kill her if he saw his room like this. Kiara threw everything in the trash bag that hung on the door and then grabbed her towel and phone. She walked into the bathroom and showered, before getting in she played her music and let Jhené Aiko fill the air. She sang along with Jhene as if it was her song. After her long shower she fixed her hair, putting it into messy bun. Kiara decided to throw on her college sweat shirt and a pair of baggy sweats and her Crocs. She pulled out her MacBook and began to plan a funeral. She knew her granny didn't want anything too extravagant. She wanted to have a burial and that's all that mattered. She refused to get burned, she didn't want her body in a jar. Kiara always told her granny it wasn't a jar that it was an urn. But granny didn't care, she wanted to be with the earth and not sealed away.

Kiara searched around for some good funeral homes and when she found one, she began to work. Luckily for her she had the money for it, all of her saved up photography money was going towards it. She knew that this was going to be the most stressful process she's ever had to come to terms with.

It was now 3:30 and Kiara was on her third cup of Red Cat. She was definitely feeling her buzz and she didn't mind it. After finding the funeral home and talking to them about everything she sat in the living room and watched movies with her fuzzy blanket and wine glass. She was enjoying herself even though she was drunk and sad as hell.

Kiara's phone rang and she answered it not looking the caller ID. "Hello?" She slurred her words, putting the phone on speaker.

"Are you drunk?" Troy's voice boomed through the phone.

"What do you want?" Kiara asked growing frustrated.

"Me and Jess going to Juniors, do you want something?" Troy asked referring to his new boo.

"Yes, pineapple cheesecake, you know what I like." Kiara told her best friend who was distracted with his new girl.

"Ard. Bye." Troy said quickly hanging up the phone. Kiara lied back down on the couch with her blanket and continued to watch her movie.

Kiara didn't come to terms that her grandmother was gone. She was used to people leaving her and feeling alone, but this type of 'alone' was different. Her mother was gone, her father was gone and now so was her grandmother. She had no more family. Sure Troy was considered family but blood family was all gone. Troy had his own family to worry about and even though they considered Kiara as their own she knew at the end of the day that she wasn't. All she really had left of blood was her drugged up uncle and she hated to call him family but it was what it was. Before Kiara knew it she was on her best friends couch balling her eyes out. When she was with other people she acted strong but by herself she was a wreck.

She heard the sound of keys picking at the lock of the apartment and she immediately wiped away her tears and straightened herself out, pulling the comfy blanket closer to her body.

"Heyyy Chica, I bought you some snacks and I found these nice ass face mask if you wanna do them tonight and I got you some new oils for your diffuser." Karla said walking in setting the Target bags down on the dining room table not look over at Kiara.

"Y..yeah that's cool. T..thanks K." Kiara's tried to speak but there was a huge lump in her throat.

Karla immediately turned towards her sad little sister who she could see was hurting by her puffy, red eyes and just her whole energy was off. Karla knew Kiara like the back of her hand and she knew when it came to the whole zen and relaxing thing Kiara was always happy about her oils and now all of a sudden she wasn't. Karla knew Kiara wasn't okay for a while but she also knew Kiara didn't want to be bothered and babied but right now she didn't care, she could see Kiara desperately need some love and affection.

"Aww hermana, I know..." Karla sat beside her hugging her tightly. "I know it's hard, but don't keep it all in like this, let it out. We both know if you don't you're gonna go crazy and that's gonna make me go crazy because you're going crazy." Karla said causing Kiara to smile a bit.

"I thought this was gonna be not as bad, cus y'know I've dealt with worse. But this one K, this one hurts." Kiara sobbed.

"I know, I know. But drowning your sorrows in wine and watching comedy movies to get your mind off of it isn't gonna work, trust me I've tried you just need to cry on a shoulder and knowing you, you need to cry and punch shit. So punch Troy when he gets home." Karla joked causing Kiara to giggle one last time.

"Well I wanna cry now.."Kiara admitted.

"Go right ahead mí amor." Karla held her little sister while she continued to cry her eyes out. Karla has to figure something out she didn't want to keep her Kiara in the house by herself anymore. She couldn't see Kiara hurt like this anymore.

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