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It was now November and the weather was changing drastically. It went from hoodies and sweatpants October to freezing cold with bubble coats November in a number of 7 days. Kiara was finally out of her funk and back on her feet. Her Geanny's funeral would be this Saturday and it was very small. Granny didn't really mess with alot of people and the people that she did mess with heavily were definitely invited to the funeral. Kiara was walking to the library on campus to get some studying done due to her missing a few days of classes. Luckily Troy bought back her class work and thankfully she only had one test and a quiz to take and that her professor was letting her do so. Kiara listened the Kendrick Lamar as she walked and prepared herself for the amount she was about to sit down and tackle. She walked onto the elevator to go to the second floor of her schools library which was the quiet area, while for downstairs was like where people met to study and tutor. Kiara walked over to a empty table and put her book bag on the chair beside her and began to do her work.

Kiara kept her focus as people got up to leave and come in the area. She read and annotated all of her work, she finished that up and begin to do some work for her business management class. She loved her major and she was ready to graduate and start her photography business. Other than her being busy with school she was busy with her photography as well. A young lady hired her for an event she was doing and was paying Kiara a good 150 for it, her internship at the magazine had her ripping and running from location to location. She just wanted to be done and work for an actual company until she got herself together, her money was right and she was happy that her ending of the year was going to be done with a sturdy cash flow. Her apartment searching was pretty difficult, she was currently stuck in between a place here in Harlem but also one in Manhattan. She loved her hood but Manhattan was such an aesthetic for her it was crazy, even though they were so close to one another. Kiara looked down at her math problem for her accounting course and grew frustrated. She didn't understand anything the paper was saying and the problem pissed her off.

"How do you do this bullshit." She whispered to herself. She attempted the problem one last time and she kept getting stuck at the same point. She followed her notes Troy gave her but something wasn't adding up. She gave up, tossing the pencil not paying any attention where it flew to.

"Ah." She heard a groan But ignored it, picking up her phone and texting Troy. "Uh,I think you're pencil kinda flew and hit me in my neck." The low yet deep voice spoke as it tried to stay silent and not interrupt anyone, handing her back her pencil. Kiara looked up seeing a young man she's seen around campus plenty of times.

"I'm so sorry. It's just this school work is stressing me out." She apologized as she took the pencil away from him and sat it on the table.

The young man glanced at her textbook then at her notes. "Accounting? Who's your professor?" He asked.

"Dr. Schmidt." Kiara said.

"I have him every Tuesday we just finished the chapter, I can help you if you want." He offered.

"Please? Thank you" Kiara thanked graciously. She needed to get this down so when it came time for her test it wouldn't bother her.
Before they started she went to get a drink.
The young man took the seat beside her and slid the notebook to himself and a pencil and began showing Kiara how to work the problem. He even showed her some new shortcuts and tricks.
"Sometimes the answer is in the question you just have to follow these.." he said as he wrote down new instructions for her. "And you'll ace your test." He told her with a smile while sliding the note book back to her.

"Thank you." Kiara smiled, she beamed like a little kid once they learned how to ride their bike with no training wheels.

"No problem, thank you for coming to my TED talk." The young man joked causing Kiara to chuckle a bit.

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