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As the unfamiliar man stood to face the two, Khari moved Kiara behind him. He didn't know the man or what he was capable of doing. "Kiki who the fuck is this?" Khari asked.

"Remember I told you, I had a crazy, pedophile uncle, well, that's him." She said in fear.

"What you want man?" Khari asked him.

"I just wanted to see my niece." Carlos said getting closer.

"Back the fuck up. What do you want?" Khari asked one last time, this time there was more bass in his tone.

"This is a nice ass house Kiki, I see you've been taking care of yourself pretty well. Proud of you. How come I never got invited?"

"How'd you find my address?"

"It's not that hard, I may be high but I ain't dumb." Carlos looked Khari up and down one last time. "Who's he? He got money." Carlos said looking at Khari's watch. Khari stood still and monitored the mans every movement.

"Kiki,call 911." Khari told her. As soon as Kiara took her phone out Carlos charged in their direction. Khari quickly pushed Kiara from behind him and grabbed Carlos and pinned him against the wall. Carlos used all his strength to get away from Khari, Kiara ran into her bedroom and locked the door behind her. Khari grabbed the man and slammed him to the ground. Khari repeatedly punched on him. Carlos lifted his leg and kicked Khari in between his legs causing Khari to fall over and groan in pain. Carlos grabbed a kitchen knife while Khari built up the strength to get up. Once Khari got off of the ground, Carlos charged towards him with the knife. Khari quickly moved out of the way and tripped him, as Carlos fell the knife stabbed Khari in his leg but Khari ignored the wound and continued to fight. Kiara came out of the room and saw Khari on top of Carlos punching him again. Kiara rushed in her hallway closet and reached on top of the shelf grabbing her pistol.

"Khari move!" She yelled. Khari looked behind him seeing her with a gun pointed at Carlos' leg. Khari quickly got off of Carlos and once he did Carlos got up and came towards her, Kiara shot him once in the left leg causing him to collapse onto the floor, yelling in pain.

"Where the hell you get a gun from?" Khari breathed heavily.

"Me. Gonzalez made sure I got registered when I first moved in." Right on cue the police came knocking on the door. Khari opened the door and they began asking questions and took Carlos away. A paramedic came in and wrapped up Khari's wound, he didn't feel the pain until she began to treat him. Once everything calmed down, Khari sat on the couch and listened to Kiara tell Troy what just occurred. Khari looked around the now trashed apartment, He felt bad for messing up her space but there was no way in hell he was about to let some random druggie attack his women. He threw his head back and pain and frustration. The officers said they could come down early in the morning to file a restraining order. Khari wasn't sure if that was enough, he didn't feel comfortable with her being here alone and a restraining order was just a piece of paper, people don't take those seriously at all.

"Baby." Khari called out to Kiara but she didn't hear him. "Baby!" Khari called out one last time catching her attention. Kiara told Troy to hold on and gave Khari her attention.

"Sorry, you need anything? I have Ibuprofen in the medicine cabinet." Kiara asked sitting beside him and setting her hand behind his head.

"Go pack a bag, you're staying with me." Khari told her as he painfully repositioned himself on the couch.

"Huh?" Kiara asked.

"Pack a bag, matter fact pack all of them, me and Langston or Troy will come back in the morning and grab the rest of your things, you staying with me for now on." Khari told her.

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