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Kiara sat in her last class of the day, dreading for 3 o'clock to hit. She only had a few weeks to graduate and she couldn't be more excited. Her and Troy were officially about to be college graduates. She waited for the day since she got accepted into college. Kiara crosses her legs as the AC in her class was blasting. It began to get warmer as the days went by in May. As she listened to her professor speak she felt her phone vibrate, he ignored it because she didn't want her professor to see her looking down especially because she sat in the very front.

"Now, are there any questions? We're through with our lesson. Remember, y'all last exam is this Friday. I'm ending class short." Her professor said to the class as he cut the projector off. No one raised their hands and with that he packed up his things and walked out. Kiara gatherer her things and headed out as well. She took out her phone from Khari saying he was stuck in traffic, which she was completely fine with because she wanted to go to the cafe and grab something to eat. As she stood in line for her food she scrolled and texted some costumers, she was getting booked back to back for graduation pictures, thankfully she didn't have any shoots at the magazine so she was able to focus on her photography and school. She was more excited to do her and Troys photos. Ms. Gonzalez wanted them to have a photo shoot so she could hang it up in the house and post the pictures on her Facebook. Kiara and Shivani began to get closer and Kiara was okay with it. She even invited Shivani to her graduation mainly because she had one ticket and she had to give to someone, it was initially for her granny but she was no longer here so she gave it to her mother. It bothered a bit to know she didn't have any other family sometimes but she always reminded herself that Troy and his family were her family.

Kiara got her food and paid the cashier, she walked outside to sit in square. She scrolled down her phone next dropping her phone as she bumped into a person. She picked her phone up and and looked up to see Darien.

"My fault Kiki. I wasn't paying attention." He apologized as he looked her over and it made him nervous, she looked so beautiful, of course her hair was curly and her baggy tee shirt looked good on her, Darien didn't know if it was the sun beaming if her skin or if she was actually glowing but regardless she was beautiful.

"You good." Kiara said wiping her phone off. Luckily it wasn't cracked because she really didn't feel like getting a new one even though Khari offered over and over again to buy her a new one and she always denied, she didn't want him spending his money on her, especially on anything as small as a phone.

"Listen Kiki, I just wanna apologize if I-." Darien began.

"Hey baby, I was looking for you. Still wanna go get something to eat?" The women said as she linked her arm to his.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in there." He said kissing her cheek.

"Okay, hi." The girl greeted Kiara. She seemed to be very cheerful and sweet and Kiara smiled at her and said hello back. "I'm Ava." She said.

"Kiara." Kiara smiked. Her phone vibrated one last time and the text was from Khari.

Bae💕: I'm here mama.

"Nice to meet you, I'll see you guys later." Kiara said knowing damn well she wasn't planning on seeing neither one of them again. She walked off meeting Khari at the car. She saw him standing against the car looking down at his phone. He had a fresh hair cut and he wore some sweatshorts and a graphic tee, he had a fresh pair on air forces 1's on. The sight made Kiara blush because she loved when he got a fresh cut, not only was his hair lined up but his beard and everything looked neat and smooth.

"Okay, I see you. Fresh line up." Kiara hyped him up. Khari looked up and smiled.

"Man stop it, you know I had to do it to em one time." Khari blushed. "How was your day?" He asked as he opened her door for her. Kiara climbed in and strapped in. Khari got in as well and did the same.

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