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"So what in your got damn mind made you think you were ready?" Karla interrogated Kiara about her decision from the other night she had with Khari after their date as the two girls drove to brunch. They haven't really spent time with one another and Kiara really missed her sister from another mister and she had so much to catch up on. First being her moment with Khari.

"A bitch was in a mood."

"Well, you can be in one but just think wisely. I'm not saying Khari isn't a good person for you but you two have only been together for a good 3-4 weeks. Not only that, you just had an encounter with the man who attempted to sexually assault you. I just want you to be sure and safe mama." Karla told Kiara as they came to a red light.

"I understand. But we didn't do anything, he teased the hell out of me but he said no. I'm happy he did, because honestly I don't think I was fully ready and he knew it." Kiara told her.

"That's nice, the taking things slow part not the teasing. That's some evil shit, we don't like that." Karla said causing Kiara to chuckle.

"But anyway, can you come to my eye doctor appointment with me tomorrow? I finally get results from my last appointment." Kiara asked Karla as the two stopped at a red light.

"I can't, I have to cater for this wedding and I can't afford for these workers to mess anything up. Some rookie placed the parfaits by the heater at the last event and made them melt, Kiki when I tell you I was pissed, girl." Karla vented.

"It's fine. I'll probably ask Troy or someone." Kiki said as they continued their drive to the restaurant. She was way passed nervous for her appointment because Kiara didn't have the best eye sight in her family and friends due to her suffering from a visual impairment she was diagnosed with about 3 years ago and sometimes it brought her down, but this appointment was to find out if her condition got any worse. Only people that knew were Troy and his family plus her Granny. Her condition was called Stargardt and it was hereditary, so it was passed down from her lovely parents but she assumed that they didn't even know about it because it was never brought up by her mother or her granny. Thankfully her condition wasn't too bad to where she wasn't able to drive or where she had to tell employers, which she was happy about. She didn't want to inform Khari because she didn't want people to feel sympathetic for her, especially Khari. It was a struggle for everyday but she learned how to cope and work through it.

After an hour of her girl's day with Karla, Kiara headed back to her apartment and relaxed the rest of the night. For the past week she was back and forth from her home to Khari's and she loved being around Khari but she was happy to be finally in her own space again. She looked over her room and realized her space wasn't the best and she could do a whole lot better. She stood from her bed and began to straighten up her living space, next she looked over at her computer and began to do some school work so she wouldn't fall behind again.

After 3 hours of doing school work she decided to relax and watch some Netflix. While binging The Vampire Diaries she got an incoming call from her mom.

"Hello?" Kiara answered keeping her attention onto the television in her bedroom.

"How are you doing? I haven't heard from you." Shivani asked.

"I'm good." Kiara shrugged. Her and Shivani weren't fully on good terms but Kiara was cordial with her birth giver and would talk to her here and there.

"Ok, that's good, your birthday is coming up in a few days? Have any plans?" Shivani asked trying to build conversation.

"Not as of right now, me and my boyfriend.." Kiara said as she caught herself next quickly regretting it.

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