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It was a month after the incident and everyone took their test and now Khari was sitting his office anticipating the moments for his phone to ring, it was the moment he found out if he would be a parent or not. He spoke to his father about it and he basically told him to prepare for whatever was to come and then he hit him upside the head for being so irresponsible. If there was one thing Jean disagreed with was when his sons screwed any women in the city because they're hormones were ragging especially without protection. Khari bit down on his thumb, anxious for the results, he knew if the child was to be his he'd have to step up, even though he wasn't ready to become a father yet he wasn't going to be a deadbeat, he refused. No matter if his baby's mother and him weren't on good terms, he believed that the child shouldn't have to suffer because of the parents immaturity. Kiara opened the office door peaking her head in the door. "Heyyy, whatcha doin?" She asked. The two have created a friendship and it was comforting to know that they both had someone to bother at work. Khari started picking Kiara up at the train stop by the job so she wouldn't have to walk and Darien would pick her up from work when he could.

"You know what I'm doing? Did Troy get the results back? Matter fact give his number I'll talk to him myself." Khari demanded.

"No, he didn't and no." Kiara said sitting across from him. The room grew silent and next the phone rang. Khari reached for it and immediately answered. "Francois publishing.... yes this is he.....Mhm......mhm....thank you, have a nice day." Khari hung up the phone and sighed, slouching in his office chair.

"Well?" Kiara asked.

"I'm not the father.." he began. Kiara slouched in her seat, scared for her best friends call of how shook he was going to be. Troy loves kids, always wanted them but not now, Troy wasn't even fully matured yet in Kiara's eyes. But knowing he would be a father would mature him, but she was just scared of the reaction and what he'd might do. Kiara's phone began to ring, she answered it hearing Troys voice crack.

"I'm, I'm not the dad." Troy said. Kiara's jaw dropped.

"What you mean? Then who is?" Kiara asked

"What you mean, what I mean? Isn't Khari?"

"Khari just got the call and they said no to him too."

"Too?" Khari shouted. "That whore!" Khari shouted louder.

"Khari, relax, breathe." Kiara began to calm him down, seeing his fist ball up. "Troy I'll talk to you when I get off. I'll call you back." Hanging up Kiara grabbed his hand and told him to breathe in and out. She witnessed that Khari has been on edge more lately and she could tell that it wasn't just because of a baby. "What's been going on? You've been stressed like hell recently. Talk to me." Khari looked up at her seeing that she was giving him all her attention.

"This, these damn people at this job pissing me off, this months issue is stressing me the hell out, it seems like you and Armani are the only ones doing some damn work around here. Then I got shit going on with." He began. "That's not important, the company is annoying me." He said.

"I understand, being a rich, CEO of a company must be stressful. Take a break. Close early and let's go out tonight, me, you, Armani and Troy. Especially you and Troy, y'all need a break. You've been working hard, Troy has been stressing about Julia and school. Let's go out tonight."

"Nah, I got too much to do."

"Exactly, did you not just hear what I just said? I'll tell Armani to let everyone know." She said grabbing the office phone to call Armani. "Kia-." Khari started "Shush." Kiara demanded. "We'll be dismissed at 5:20. Troy and I will meet you at your place at 7. Send me your address, Armani will be driving. Thank you. Have a nice day." She sang as she skipped out of the office. Khari sighed in disbelief. Did she just end their day like that? How dare she? He thought. He finished up whatever work he started and grabbed his belongings.

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