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* Bouzin~whore in creole*
Khari came home to his apartment with candles lit and Destiny's Child playing on his surround sound. He took his blazer off, laying it on the couch as he walked to his room. He opened his bedroom door seeing Julia curling her hair, she had on black lingerie with her black satin robe.

"Who you getting cute for?" Khari asked biting down on his lip as he walked behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Well I was trying to surprise you but that got messed up. Julia said setting the curling iron down.

"I'm surprised." Khari said rubbing down her body.


"Mhm. I just don't understand why you did your hair like it's not about to get messed up." He said looking over her hair then over her beautifully fit body. Julia just shrugged as she began to unbutton Khari's button-up.

"How was your day?" She said taking the shirt off of him.

"It was cool, got some nice pictures. That girl is a natural." Khari bragged as he sat on the bed.

"Maybe you should hire her for the photographer position, you know we need a new one, full time since Winston moved." Julia said as she took his shoes and socks off and beginning to message his feet.

"Maybe I should. Thanks baby, I didn't even think of that." Khari said. He looked down at Julia and stopped her. "Can we skip all this?" Khari asked impatiently. He just wanted to get his hands on his girl friend. Julia nodded and straddled the man as the two began to kiss passionately. Julia started to unbutton Khari's slacks but they were interrupted by the door.

"Ignore it." Khari mumbled as he continued to caress on the beautiful women in front of him. He stood to pull his pants down next getting back onto the bed. Once more the door was being knocked on but this time it sounded more of a bang. "What!" Khari groaned in frustration as he pulled his pants up before going to the door. He swung open the door. "What!" He asked frustrated,next seeing his dad and Langston. "What?" He said this time confused. Khari let them both in. The three congregated in the living room. Khari's dad, Jean.

"What are you doing?" His dad asked sternly.

"For real, it smells like baby making and the early 2000's." Langston said sitting on the sofa.

"Grown man business. Why y'all hear? What's wrong?" Khari asked as he sat on the arm of the couch.

"We need to talk about your mom." Jean informed. Khari couldn't help but to roll his eyes. He was over it. He was good for ignoring Langston but now his dad wanted to talk? It was no way he was going to get out of this one.

"We on that again? Pops I thought we was over that when we talked about it the other day."
"Well we're not. Listen I know y'all got y'all issues but at the end of the day you're going to respect her and I know she's been an ass all your life but she really wants to make things work. You know before." His dad said as he didn't want to say that his ex wife and baby's mother was about to die.

"Before she dies. I know, but what you gotta understand is I tried my whole life for her to love me and to treat me like her son but she never did now all of a sudden she wants to love me just because she about to check? I'll take her apology but I can't be cool with her. I'm sorry pops."

"Khari I understand that. I don't like her either but at the end of the day, she still is my child's mother and I'm going to respect her. Just hear her out. If you can make an exception for one of those lil *Bouzin's, you should be able to make an exception for your mother."

"That's different. They actually make me happy. Your baby mother is toxic and just because she's dying doesn't mean me and her can magically make a mother and son relationship. I'm sorry that this is happening to her but I can't be her friend now." Khari told his father.

"You may hate her now but trust me, once she's gone you're gonna regret it." Jean spoke before standing and grabbing his coat. Khari knew his father was right, he always was, but he was way too stubborn to give his mother the chance. He believed that if he opened his heart to her again she'll just fuck him over. His mother was the first women to break his heart and ever since then he refused to let another women do so. Khari believed in love and finding the one he'd spend the rest of eternity with but he didn't believe it right now, he was too vulnerable at this time of his life and he decided to stay covered up so that no women could have his heart and break it.

"I might, I might not. We'll have to see." He told his father. He saw Langston from the side of his eye shaking his head.

"You're am asshole man." Langston spoke as he grabbed his things to head out. Langston couldn't believe his little brother's actions.Jean gave Khari one last look over before following behind Langston, with the door slamming shut.

Julia sauntered over in her robe as Khari sat on his couch with his head in his hands, thinking about his current situation.

"You okay?" Julia asked sitting beside him as she sat her hand on his back, gently rubbing him.

Khari lifted his head and cleared his throat, he didn't want Julia to hear his voice crack, he was upset with himself. "Yeah I'm straight. Ima go shower, I'll call you in the morning." Khari stood before walking to his bathroom.

Julia was at shock because she planned on staying the night with her man, but she understood that he needed his alone time. If she knew one thing about Khari she knew that when he was pissed he liked being alone and she couldn't blame him. She changed her clothes and got her belonging before heading out.

"If you need anything, just let me know."

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