Coming to America

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Coming to America


Nothing will ever be the same again. Saying goodbye to friends and loved ones to set off on my new adventure, I'm a mixture of excited and scared out of my wits. I'm going to college in America. I've been in college here in Dublin for two years, but this is different. Different school, different people, different continent even. Different way of life. Everything will be different. When I return someday, everything will be different too. I'll be different.

When you're leaving home for the first time, making sure everything is going as planned is essential. Especially when you have no idea when you'll be back. When it falls apart at the last minute it can certainly cause trouble. I'm finding this out the hard way, of course. Moving across the world from Ireland to the USA, California at that, I might as well be traveling to the moon. I'm definitely speaking a different language than these folks.

"What do you mean you can't take me? I'm at the airport now waiting to leave!" It was as if my new beginning was cursed. Damn fairies always throw a wrench into the mix. Already there's a problem and I've got no idea how to fix it. "Don't you think you should have told me this a week ago? Do ya not keep your word then?"

My host family is backing out of the deal that was made through the admissions department of the school. I was to stay with a family and go to finish my last two years of college and now just as I'm to board my plane, I find out they've changed their mind. I don't have a backup plan for this. I don't have any place else to go. I've spent almost every dime I have on this trip and now I can't even get the car trip home.

"I'm so sorry dear, but we just don't think having you here is something we can do right now. Maybe next semester." My host mother says and hangs up. What do I do now?

My mind begins working fast. I was so excited for this. My friends told me not to get my hopes up for fear of failure, but I did anyway. I didn't expect to get a call as I boarded the damn plane that I was out of luck. Luck is what you make it though. Somehow I'll find a way to right this. My mum always said I could land my feet every time I fall no matter what I'd gotten myself into. I hope she's right.

I don't have much time as they call over head to starting to board the plane. My heart is pounding as I pace by the window looking out at the big 747. I've paid my airfare, fees for college. Everything I own is on that plane. I've nothing left here for me. What do I do?

I don't see a way through this one. The school arranged for my host family. The school connected us, matching us up for the two years. The school should be the ones to rectify the problem and find me a new host. There has to be a way.

Quickly, I call student services and hope I can get a dorm or something. I don't even know the time change. When the woman answers I give my name and explain it all. She says that another family was going to host as well but their student back out. Immediately, she assigns me to the other family and student guide and says she is emailing me with the address I'll be staying. She will notify the family immediately and have someone at the airport to pick me up. By the time I get into my seat I've gotten the new address and I'm set. Again.

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