The Big Game

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The Playmaker : Dual Threat Series Book Three

Chapter 5

The Big Game

The bruises on my face have faded, just not enough to hide them for this meeting. I don't want Mr. McConnell thinking I'm one of those guys that constantly get into trouble. I don't fight if I can help it. I don't go looking for it anyway. That's not me, I was just doing what I thought was right by protecting Laney. I'd do it again for her. Maybe I should've asked her to come with me.
Waiting at the cafe on campus for Mr. McConnell, I take a long drink of my bottle of water. I'm way early but I didn't want to be late. The only ones that know about this meeting are Cam and Laney.
I didn't want to jinx it. Things haven't been going as planned lately. Maybe that's just a player thing. Believing in superstitions and all. I should ask Mr. McConnell.
Looking around, I see a lot of people I know. Getting nods in my direction from guys that want to be my friend, and friendly waves from girl's that just want me. None of them really want me. They want what comes with me. The status around the school, popularity, the parties, the girls for the guys, me for the girls. Very few really know me for who I am. That's the difference.
Hearing the bell on the door jingle, I look over. A beautiful blonde walks in, her head is down but she does that looking around under her lashes, the thing that girls try to do to flirt. I guess they think it makes them look shy. She actually pulls it off and looks shy. When she looks behind her, my face lights up. It's him, he's here.
Standing up at the table, I wave my hand for them to see me. I notice how he takes her hand and protectively guides her to the table. A gentle hand on her at all times. He even turns his head to check on her several times, before they reach me. It's like she's unsure of being here, or being around people.
"Breyden! Thanks for meeting up with us on short notice. I'm sorry we couldn't do this at the office we're in the middle of a remodel. I thought this would be more convenient for you. I'm sure your schedule is nuts right now." Matt reaches out to shake my hand. Guiding the blonde forward, I realize who she is.
"Yeah, it's no problem. I was happy to get the call. You're Chelsea, right? It's really great to meet you as well." I hold my hand for Chelsea and she nods to me. Taking my hand and shaking it, I see just how small she is, like Laney.
I motion to the table I've been holding for us. As we sit down the whispers around us begin. I notice Chelsea looks around and watches everything. Her big blue eyes scanned around the room, taking in every face, watching every move. It's then I notice she's not shy, she's taking stock of the room. No one pays attention to a shy girl like her. They're watching Matt and I. I'm completely mesmerized by her and what she's picking up on all around us. Matt laughs and nods, kissing her head. He knows she's paying attention to a lot more than just me.
"You're quite the celebrity around here." Chelsea smiles, seeing that the eyes aren't going to leave us alone.
"I could say the same about you two. I'm sorry, I should've asked for a better meeting place." I didn't think there would be such a commotion.
"Not at all, you're still a student here, and believe it or not, this kind of attention just gets worse." He motions around us. "I would suggest two things for you, to get you through this process. And this is free advice, whether you decide to work with us or not."
Matt's advice is gold, I know it. "First, keep your friend circle small. Those who know you best, will stand by you, tell you you're stupid when you need to hear it, and they'll save your ass when you spiral down that slippery slope. You need people who have your back always. You'll need them to keep you grounded. Second, if there's a girl you're involved with that you know you don't want causing you problems in a year, deal with her now, drop her and move on. Do not do it when it's in front of the camera."
It's like he was describing Sloan. Matt nodded, knowing he is reading the situation right. I've got a problem and if I don't get Sloan off my case, it's only going to get worse.
"If there's a girl that you do want with you for this ride, keep her close. You need to make sure she knows she's it. Everyday, man. The pressure doesn't end, you'll need to keep telling her she's it. Let her feel secure in your relationship. Third, I would suggest you lay off the fighting." He motions to my face. Shit!
"I was defending a girl. A guy at the frat house, who is on the team, started saying some not so nice things about her, about Laney, to me. Laney's close to me, so I needed to stand up for her." I didn't want to go into detail yet, but I know I will have to explain it all if we move forward.
Chelsea smiles softly at me and reaches for me, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "I was that girl once. So I appreciate you doing that for her." Pulling her hand back, I noticed the ring on her left hand. That explains the way Matt is with her. This is his wife.
"So, you're looking to go pro. Have you thought about what teams you're interested in?" Matt asks as Chelsea pulls out her tablet for notes. They're a team in this. That's what I want. This is exactly what I want.
"My family isn't here in California, they're all on the east coast, New York. I'd like to be closer to them." I explained. Although I'll take any team right now just to get into the league.
"And the girl? Where will she be?" Matt asks. I don't answer immediately, looking around the cafe for an answer I don't have. I don't know if Laney will still be around. "Look, it may be too soon of a question like that. I'm going to tell you this.l; At your age, a guy doesn't defend a girl's honor, unless he feels something for her. That being said, you also need to remember that what happens off the field needs to stay off the field. Don't bring it into your game or it'll fuck you up and the team."
Ain't that the truth!
I don't know what he's going to think of my situation with Laney, but I have to explain it. "The girl, Laney, is new. She's an exchange student from Ireland and I'm her student guide. She's gotten some flack and I'm trying to help her. I like her, the way she's handled what's been thrown at her but I don't know what her plan is after she graduates."
"Is she the same year as you then?" Chelsea asks, making her notes.
"No, she's got one more year to go." I wonder what Chelsea is writing down. "Is that a problem?"
"It's not a problem, Breyden. It's part of the big picture. That's what we deal with so you can focus on the game. It's all included in how we handle things, where we look for a team and if she's sticking with you, what does she want? Her needs will come into this decision as much as yours. It's your career and in the end, you're gonna have final say, but like I said; if you want her, you're gonna want her as happy about this as you are." Matt reassures me, making me feel better about it.
"We aren't exactly together, not like that. I'd like to get to know her better but..." How do I explain this? I rub my head, I haven't thought this far ahead.
"I'll be right back. I'm gonna use the ladies." Chelsea excuses herself and leaves us for a moment.
Matt waits for Chelsea to be out of hearing range before he speaks. "Did you know Blake and Emma have only been together for a year but have been in each other's circles since they were kids? Chelsea is Emma's best friend and Blake is mine. We've known each other for years but it's taken a very long time to get our girls. The good ones are worth waiting for, no matter the time or distance, Breyden."
This releases a little pressure. Blake Bradford is huge in football. He's been known for getting with girls way worse than me. The guy's been in the NFL for five years and he's been in the gossip news since starting out. None of it was pretty.
"Emma saw all that? And she still married him this past spring." I didn't mean to say that out loud.
Matt's laughter fills the cafe. People turned around to look at us, everyone eyeing me up and down. "Emma ripped Blake every chance she got for years. It was a love/hate for a long time but they finally figured it out. You need to talk to her about how you feel and your plan for the future. Then see what she wants, Breyden."
We drop the personal stuff and get into more of what I'm looking for in a team and where I want to be in five years and then in ten. We talk about what my values are, family, friends, and how many are in that circle he talked about compared to how many I'll have in five and ten years later. I'm learning this business is more than just me and football.
"Breyden, you've got a good head on you and you remind me a lot of my best friend. I'm looking forward to seeing you play tonight." Matt stands up taking my hand. "I'll be working on a contract for you to look at and have it sent over to you and to your parents. We all have to agree on the terms."
"I'm sure we'll work it out. Thank you, Mr. McConnell and you, Chelsea. I'll have tickets for both of you at the gate." Shaking their hands, Matt slides out of his seat.
"It's Matt. And we'll be there." I'm vibrating with excitement now. I'm getting a contract with him and if I've got a chance with Matt, I'm gonna get drafted. Matt's reputation is that good.
They leave and I check my watch. I've got just enough time to get to the locker room and warm up. I'm excited for this game. More than I knew. I've got Laney coming to watch me, but more, I'm gonna get a real manager. I'm gonna get my dream.
I stopped by to get the tickets at the gate window and hurried to the locker room to change. I'm still not talking about my meeting or anything else but the game. Getting into uniform, I hear the dumbass starting again.
Across the room, Reed is starting to amp up again about Laney. Talking loud enough to make sure everyone in the locker room can hear him, he's pushing his luck with me. He's gonna cost me a lot more than a game, if I let him lead me down that road.
"I'm gonna have me some Irish cream tonight, Stafford! I saw Laney out there with Regan. Why the fuck is she wearing your jersey, when she should be wearing mine?" Reed laughs, echoing in the silence of the room. All eyes are watching us.
"He's trying to get you mad, Breyden. Don't fall for it." Cam reminds me. He knows I'm seeing red. "You got special guests tonight, man. This isn't the time."
My fists are clenching open and closed. The blood is pounding so loud in my ears I can barely hear him. I'm trying to get ready for the impending impact of Reed's face that's gonna fall onto my fists. I'm losing patience and it won't take much more for me to lose control.
"Think, Breyden. Laney is out there. She's wearing your shirt, not his. She's here for you." Fitz is on the other side of me. He's right.
"Alright, Boys! It's time to fight like men out there. I want you focused! I want you present! I want you to win! We've got royals in the house tonight to impress. Blake Bradford is here with his manager to watch you assholes!" Coach bellows as he walks in. My eyes jerk to him. I thought Matt was bringing Chelsea.
Blake is here too? Are you kidding me?
"Rumor is McConnell met with you today, Stafford. You better play on point tonight." Coach stands next to me, proud of this news. I nod, holding it all in as I look directly at Reed. I'm watching him glower in my direction. This meeting is good for the school. It makes the coach look good too. "Let's go!"
~ ~ ~
We took our time getting ready. I went to the house to meet Laney and left my stuff there, so we can change for the big party after. It'll save time and if I'm snookered to go home, I'll crash in my brother's room.
Laney really didn't know what she was getting into by agreeing to stay with a house full of guys. A fraternity house no less. From what Fitz says, she can drink whiskey like a pro. She beats him and Breyden under the table there. I'm looking forward to seeing that happen. No girl has ever out drank those two. Fitz says she'll only drink whiskey and Breyden went out and found her favorite Irish whiskey just for tonight.
I got Laney in Breyden's Jersey and a pair of denim shorts and sneakers for an easier run up and down of the stands, while I wore my brother's jersey and matched with Laney on the rest. Some girls will try to impress guys by dressing up for a game. Some wear skin tight dresses and heels trying too hard for attention. But a true football player wants to see his jersey on her back and sneakers on her feet.
There's a lot to teach Laney about America, football and the guys here. It's like the guys there in Ireland treat girls differently. Laney said to me as we were getting ready."As an Irish woman, I was born with my heart on my sleeve, a fire in my soul, whiskey in my glass and a mouth I can't control." I have a feeling this party will be very interesting.
I convinced my friend, Quinn, to join us. She doesn't usually go to the games but she's a friend of mine and I begged. If it's not in a book, Quinn has very little interest or attention for it. This is true for my brother as well. Fitz has been in the process of getting Quinn's attention for the last year. She just doesn't see it. As I've told him: He's just not that interesting.
Quinn refused to come to the frat house before the party and I only convinced her to do that by allowing her to help me with my English lit class. I'm not sure how we became friends. We are nothing alike, but still I like her.
It's a full house tonight. It's the first game of the season, but it's never been this packed before. Leading Laney through the crowd, we work our way up into the stands. Breyden got our tickets for us and left them at the gate, so I'm assuming he got us good seats. I'm sure he wants Laney to get the best experience and a good view of the field. Plus I'm assuming he's made sure he knows exactly where we are so he can find her.
As we start up the stadium step into the seats, I notice that the cheerleaders are even acting more stupid than usual. Someone must be here. It's probably some alumni actor, who wants to see a game or something. No big deal to me. Thinking nothing more about it, we reach the fifty yard line and I look at our tickets for the row and seat numbers. That's when I see them.
"Oh my God." Grabbing onto Laney's arm, I'm bouncing up and down next to her. I'm so excited. "Do you know who that is?"
Laney looks around. She isn't even looking in the right direction. I point out the two men sitting right in front of us. Everyone around them is looking at them thinking the same thing I am. Laney just shrugs, not even caring that they're football royalty. I see Quinn, her nose in a book, sitting right in front of them and I double check our seats, noticing now that we are sitting right in front of them too.
"Who are they then?" Laney asks, following me up to our seats. Sitting down in front of them, we begin getting settled when one of them taps Laney on the shoulder. "Aye? Can I help you?"
His grin widens at her like he knows her. Does he know her?
"You're Laney, right?" She nods, not having the faintest clue who these two Gods are. "I'm Matt McConnell, I had a meeting earlier today with Breyden about his football career. He mentioned you. This is Blake Bradford, a friend of mine who wanted to see Breyden play."
"Ah! He told me he was meeting with you. I take it all went lovely then?" Laney smiles, not realizing who she's talking to.
And what meeting? Wait! Breyden met with McConnell?
"Yes, it did. Have you ever been to a game before?" Matt asks as the two oversized men hunkered down to talk to Laney over the crowd noise.
"No, this is my first game. I'm afraid I don't know much of the sport. Regan and Quinn came to help me along, you see. Is this your first game as well?" Laney looks between the two men for an answer. She really doesn't know who she's talking to. Face palming myself, I try to help her out.
"Laney, Mr. McConnell is a pro sports manager and Mr. Bradford is.." Blake's hand fell onto my shoulder giving me a soft squeeze.
He's touching me! Blake Bradford touched me. I'm never washing that shoulder again. Oh shit, it's hot out here.
"His friend. Just a fan, like everyone else here tonight." Blake says, those gorgeous green eyes mesmerizing me. Nodding along with his story I nod back and get a wink in return.
I think I'm gonna lose it.
As the game gets started, the cheerleaders move to right down front, off the fifty yard line. Sloan is doing everything she can to get Blake's attention. I groan softly and look at Quinn. She simply rolls her eyes at me, shaking her head. Quinn has no patience for Sloan.
"Regan? What's going on? Why are they making Breyden come off the field? Did he do something wrong? Ugh, he wasn't fighting again was he? I just got him cleaned up from the last round. He's gonna get goosed, that's for certain. " Laney went off cursing about the fight last night. Quietly I could hear the two men chuckling behind us.
"Breyden is the quarterback, sweetheart. He plays offense. The group on the field right now is defense. The teams switch back and forth, offense and defense, with each change of possession. The team that has the ball, the offense, has to get it to the opposite end of the field to score. The defense has to keep them from scoring." Blake tells her in a very childlike way the basic idea of the game.
"Regan, honey, who's the blonde cheerleader glaring at us?" Matt asks. I don't need to look to know exactly who he's talking about. Well, that's just great.
"Oh, that's Sloan. She's Breyden's..." Laney begins, then shakes her head knowing to correct herself. "Old girlfriend. Ex. They aren't together just now."
"I was under the impression Breyden didn't want her around him, but he has an interest in someone new." Matt treaded lightly, while Blake listened and watched Sloan carefully.
"Oh aye, he's told me that as well." Laney agrees and Matt seems satisfied with her oblivious answer. It seems they are more clued in on this emerging situation than Laney is.
We cheer on the team with Laney getting tutored by the two behind us. Quinn and I were in awe. It's not often I'm this close to a real professional football player but Blake Bradford, OMG! I have his latest magazine spread and it was so delicious. He only wore his helmet over his assets. I think I wore out the picture, because I had to get five more copies. I've got them tucked away for safekeeping.
~ ~ ~
It was lovely sitting with the men Breyden had a meeting with earlier. They seem to truly understand the game and were wonderful to tutor me in the sport. Blake has plenty of knowledge of how the game works and what's going on as I asked questions. We talked a bit longer after the game was done, before we decided to find our winners. Many in the crowd continue to stay in their seats and congratulate each other on the game.
The cheerleaders were still standing there just off the field, watching us like we were a roasted goose on Christmas. Matt and Blake seemed to ignore them, making it much more comfortable to sit with them. But Sloan was making her way closer to us as if she wanted to hear what was being said between us. Blake nodded to Matt and excused himself, walking down straight to her.
"Is there a problem, Miss? I've noticed you glaring at my friends up there through the entire game. I'd like to know if there's a problem." Blake made sure everyone around us could hear him too.
Sloan nervously looks around, realizing she was being put on the spot in front of her followers. Everyone was waiting for her reply. "I didn't know such a savage like that knew such wonderful people as you."
Blake frowns quizzically at her, then looks at us. I don't know what she means by that either but it sounded rude. Blake focuses on Matt. There's a silent communication between them I don't understand, but they seem to know what to do.
"You do understand that by criticizing Laney to me, makes you look ridiculous? Look, Laney is a sweet girl. And from everything I know, she's Breyden's girl. I'm only gonna warn you once. Leave them alone." Blake smiles politely then walks back to us, like that was no big deal.
I don't understand what just happened.
"Matt, why don't we walk these lovely ladies down to meet their friends. I believe we've seen all we need to. My wife is going to be begging for something to eat soon." Blake slings his arm over my shoulder and I look up utterly confused. Granted the man is lovely to look at and his eyes are as deep a green as the forest by Mohr, but I don't know him. "Laney, it's been an absolute pleasure meeting you and I hope you'll be joining Breyden next week to come watch my game. All three of you, if you can make it up the coast."
"Are you kidding me? Holy shit! Yes! Fitz and Cam are gonna shit!" Regan giggles, getting me to giggle softly with her.
"Fitz and Cam, Breyden's buddies, right? We've invited them as well." Matt tells a defeated Regan. "Not personally, like you though." Regan grins, knowing she's got one up on her brother.
We walk to the edge of the stadium, just outside the locker room and wait. It doesn't go unnoticed that Sloan is also hanging out nearby. Blake shakes his head, muttering to Matt. "Who does she remind you of?"
"I'll have Tyler take care of it." Matt assures him, but I'm not understanding. What is happening that they need to deal with?
I don't get a chance to ask as the players come out of the locker room. One by one the players pause, almost walking into each other. The expression of shock on each face seeing these two big burly men standing there. Granted they're good looking and have a knowledge of the game, but I don't understand why it's such a big deal. When Breyden comes out he looks around like he's searching for someone. As soon as he sees us, his face lights up.
It's a beautiful sight to see, that's for certain. He nods a hello to the girls trying to surround him but works his way through the crowd to stand directly in front of me with the biggest grin on his face. You'd think he found the fairies hole and got his gold.
"Did you have fun?" Breyden asks, taking my hand and pulling me to him. His arms circled around me, resting comfortably around my waist.
"Aye! And these two were grand to sit with and educate me." I motion to Matt and Blake.
"Breyden Stafford, it was a pleasure watching you play tonight. I see I've got some competition coming my way." Blake smiles, looking closely at the way Breyden tightens his arms around me.
"I'm honored you came, Mr. Bradford. Thank you for coming. Both of you, I appreciate the time and consideration you're giving me." Breyden acknowledges them as if they are extremely important.
"We've enjoyed it, thanks to our lovely company for the game." Matt smiles at the three of us girls. Looking over, it seems Cam and Fitz have lost their tongues and are trying to pick them up from the floor.
"That they are." Breyden tightens his arms, resting his lips to my forehead.
Breyden has done this at night with me, but never in front of everyone this way. I don't understand it, is he wanting to claim me as Regan said? Is he feeling smaller in some way, compared to the brutes we were with? They have been friendly enough and I don't see any harm from them. Perhaps, he just felt the urge to celebrate early.
"Well! you've got a night of celebrating ahead of you, so we'll leave you to it. Breyden, expect a package from me in a few days. If you agree to my term, I'll look forward to working with you." Matt says, clasping hands with him and nodding to Breyden then glancing down at me. "Laney, it's been a true pleasure watching the game with you. We'll see you both soon."
As the two walk away, Breyden is bombarded with questions from every direction. With Cam and Fitz's help, we maneuver through the crowd and make our way out of the stadium and to the cars. Splitting up, we headed back to the house and to get ready for the party. Breyden was a star tonight and if I'm right, he will be one for a long time to come.

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The Playmaker  Dual Threat Series book 3Where stories live. Discover now