Wedding #1

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Chapter 22

Wedding #1


We agreed to wait until the wedding night to make love. As much as I want to take her now, I want this to be special for Laney. It's her first time, I'm going to be the only man she ever sleeps with. It's important to me that this is perfect for her.

Out of all the girls I've slept with, and I'm ashamed to say that it's been quite a few, I've never had a virgin before. I've had girls throw themselves at me since I was fourteen, I might have been inexperienced back then but it didn't take long for me to catch on that women liked me. I've learned my skills in this department well and I know I can make this perfect for her.

This is a crazy two weeks for everyone in this house. Emma has been having contractions off and on for two days. We're all prepping for her to go into labor any minute. Now that Laney and I are considered family we have been added to the family calling tree for emergencies and all things Bradford/Drake related. It's a big change from what we're used to so we have been getting educated by everyone from Georgia to Aiden on the rules. Especially now that there's another family member eager to come out. Apparently this baby is a huge deal, she's the one that really links these two families together as one. And this family is huge.

They have their hands full and Laney has jumped in to help Georgia with as much as she can. Jake and Grace get married tonight, Chelsea and Matt are getting married in less than two weeks and Laney and I are getting married on Friday. One week and she's mine for the rest of our lives. With the help of Matt and Blake it will be perfect.

I can't fucking wait!

"Look, just go slow with her. Trust me take your time and enjoy each other. It's worth it for both of you." Blake says as we sit outside at the fire pit this morning drinking our coffee before the craziness gets going. The party supply people have already arrived to setup the canopies, tables and chairs for later.

Are we ready for this?

I'm voicing my fears of moving too fast with Laney and the fact it's been months since I've seen any action to Blake and Matt. I'm worried I might just embarrass myself or push her too hard, I don't want to do either and ruin it.

"I will, I just want her to not be disappointed with me. I want it all to be perfect." I tell him. I'm so nervous for this to finally happen for us.

"I've got you covered. After the wedding, I've got a car set to take you two up to Napa for the weekend. You've got to be back for practice Monday night, so I couldn't get you more time than that." Matt gives me a surprise by this information I thought we would just be here. I hadn't planned a honeymoon, without a job we don't really have the money right now.

I want to do this but I don't think we can. "I don't think I can afford..."

"I own a winery up there Breyden. There's a little rustic house on the property. I'm having it setup for you guys to spend your honeymoon there. Later, after the season is over, then you can take a longer trip." Blake adds. "My staff will take care of anything you need. The kitchen will be stocked and I'll have something special ready for her, as a wedding gift. She'll love it, trust me I checked it out with Em first."

"Here." Matt holds out  an envelope to me. Inside is a bank statement with fifty thousand dollars showing as an opening balance. Holy shit!  "This is an advance on your first check for you. It'll help you two get started on a life together."

"I don't know what to say. Thank you both for everything you've done." I'm speechless with their generosity.

"We take care of our own. Georgia has taken to Laney and she's now ours. You're marrying into this family Breyden. You better get used to extravagance, we thrive on it." Blake reminds me of the relationship that has quickly grown between the two.

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