The Week After

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Chapter 9

The Week After


Coming down to the kitchen after the crazy weekend we had, I needed coffee and food. Something to get rid of this outrageous headache that's beating up my brain would be good too. Walking in I find Caleb, Zee and Theo sitting at the bar talking quietly about what transpired between Breyden and Sloan the other night. Everyone here knows now and Reed hasn't been seen since the party.

What a fucking mess!

"Reed has some fucking issues for doing that to Breyden." Theo grumbles drinking his coffee.

"He was doing it because he wants Laney and she was the one that saw it thinking it was Breyden. He doesn't have a chance in hell with her now." Zee tells him. "Morning Fitz. Coffee's on."

I nod to them but keep my comments to myself. I don't think this game was Reeds idea. I think Sloan conjured up this mess to screw with Laney. Reed is just a pawn in her plan to get at Laney and get Breyden back. I've seen the lengths she went to keeping Breyden to herself. Sloan is one I put nothing past.

That girl is jealous of every female that takes Breyden's attention from her. She's not stable that I'm sure of. I've seen the way Sloan has threatened other girls that Breyden was only being nice to and had no interest in. Laney is different than those girls. He really likes her and she could be in for some trouble because of it.

Laney has talked about looking for somewhere else to stay because we've made a point of telling her the house is for guys only. I'm wondering now if that's a mistake, keeping her here might be in her best interest. We can keep an eye out for her here. We can keep Sloan from doing something else to her. If she moves into the dorms we can't do anything.

"I need to ask you guys a question." I need the house to agree with me for it to work. "What do you think of Laney?"

"She's cool." Zee answers without much interest. "Great cook."

Theo is a bit more interactive. "She's hot. That little body, cute ass and damn her face is..."

"That's enough!" Cam comes in. "If Breyden hears you talk like that about his girl, he'll kick your ass. We all know what Laney looks like. Why are you so interested Fitz?"

"She needs a place to stay. The dorms are full and even if one comes open they're too expensive for her. What if we kept her here as a house mom or something?" I ask getting the guys to mumble about it to each other. So far I'm not hearing anything about it being a bad thing. More so they sound excited to be fed decently on a regular basis.

Cam frowns listening to the opinions that get expressed. I know not everyone is going to agree on this but I'm trying to help my friend and his girl. He really likes her, I've never seen Breyden this way over a girl. Maybe Laney is the one he's been needing to settle down.

"Look I like Laney too. I think you're right to think there could be a problem for her from Sloan but that's not the bigger issue here. I don't think anyone here is gonna be against her staying, it's the school that's gonna oppose it. If they find out then they could rescind our fraternity house." Cam has a point. Just because we agree doesn't mean the school will especially with Sloan knowing she's here.

Sloan and her family have the money and power to not only close our house down but get Laney kicked out of the school. If that happens she could get deported back to Ireland. I don't think she wants that anymore than Breyden will.

What a fucking mess


After the party was a bust the other night and knowing I was to blame, I felt I owed it to the boys and Breyden to cook up a decent breakfast for them before class this morning. I also need a little space to think about Breyden. He's been very good to me and wants me with him in ways I didn't expect. He's said he wants me, only me and that's not something that I've had before. Oh I've dreamt of boys and relationships in this way but no one has shown this kind of interest in me, or expressed it to me before. I'm a bit out of my comfort zone.

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