A Man's Worth

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Chapter 36

A Man's Worth


The family is buzzing in this house, out on the deck and into the yard. Chloe and Isabelle have taken the kids to the pool for a night swim and get them away from the "adult talk" while the family clears dishes, stores food and gets ready to talk strategy to get this fucker.

I did my own bit of investigating with Lance and Cade. While Breyden brought Laney home we went to the jail. It was time we talked to Sloan and her connection to Zach. Her attorney being present made talking to her impossible as lawyers against her we weren't to be able to see her. I'm just a student though, her ex's friend no less. It was my way in. She refused to talk to Lance and Cade but me... I got through just long enough for a bite. It helped, we got what we needed to connect them. It was small but the internet helped fill in some of the blanks.

Her mother and Zach's are sisters. With different last names none of us would have put them down as related but now we know it. The two sisters are estranged, I guess money made Sloan's mom want to break away but the cousins still talk. Apparently, the crazy's run in the family. It's too bad Breyden didn't think to do a background check on psycho Sloan before he decided to date her. It could have saved us all a lot of time and Laney from getting hurt.

Sloan's dad's family didn't approve of the marriage. A lot of public feuding was in the media in the beginning. So her mama cleaned up her act for public at least. Sloan's birth was quietly celebrated then as soon as they could shipped her off. Fancy boarding schools, minimal contact and money to shut her up and keep her occupied so the family didn't have to bother with her.

Fucking sad. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost but not quite. Sloan's smart, she did her own research on her family and found her cousin. An odd unsettling connection that is not how family should let's say, connect. The crazy's then emerged. Eventually Breyden got caught in the bullshit.

Sloan's obsession with him is making me nervous. It was there from get go. Every other female that showed an interest in him suddenly disappeared. Not that Breyden noticed much. None of them caught his interest not until Laney. That's when it all changed and Sloan's actions failed her.

Zach's a different story all together.

Breyden's upstairs with Laney getting her settled in for her dinner in bed, while I head out to find the guys. This needs to come to a quick end. I know Blake and Matt have guys on the hunt for Zach, they're watching his place searching for evidence, clues but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't get in on the search.

As I head out the front door and go to the long circular drive to get into my car I hear two voices angrily arguing. I know Fitz's voice but the other I'm not recognizing. Pocketing my keys I head around the side of the house to see what the problem is.

Stepping around the corner, I see Fitz egging on a throw down with Beckett. Now Fitz isn't a small guy but Beckett is a brick wall. Tall, dark and scary. Solid muscle head to toe and cool as a fucking cucumber. The guy could give Chris Helmsworth a run for his money.

"You abandoned her! She's got her famous family to take care of her now!" Fitz spits out with venom. The only response from his comment is a lift of an eyebrow from Beckett.


"Like Blake has said, you don't belong here." Fitz is so screwed.

He's out of line, not to mention out of his mind for getting into it with Beck. I know he has a thing for Quinn, but he knows nothing about her family life. He's lucky Beckett has a good hold on his temper. I'm not sure what I would do if he decided to let loose on Fitz.

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