Eyes Wide Open

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Chapter 17

Eyes Wide Open

Two Week later


I'm not dead. I thought I would be but I'm not. Everything hurts though. It hurts to breathe, I'm afraid to move and the only thing I hear is a steady electronic beeping. I guess someone found me. I don't remember everything not that I want to know who took me, but I have a good idea. There's only two people who want me gone, Sloan and her pet dog Reed. It has to be him. He takes too much pleasure in inflicting pain.

I can't remember what happened or how I got here. I remember going to the bar with Regan. I remember calling the airline and planning to return home. I remember what brought me to that decision. Breyden was kissing another girl. He said to remember whatever I heard or saw that it was me he wanted. I remember the pain I was in before and after I was taken.

I don't know if I was a pawn in a game or if it was real but everything in my gut told me this wasn't Breyden's fault. Everything told me this was on Sloan. No matter who's fault it was, it didn't change what happened but only placed the blame where it belongs. Breyden has his own blame in this. He kissed someone else.

He hurt me but then we weren't exactly together at the time. It's not like he cheated on me. Breyden only broke my heart, something he didn't know he had the ability to do. I can't really blame him if I hadn't told him how I felt about him. So I guess that blame is on me. It doesn't change what he did.

It still hurts

As I struggle to open my heavy eyes I hear the beeping speed up. It must be me. Then a heat surrounds my hand like someone is holding it. I just can't move my body to respond. Everything just aches. I'm just so tired. Slowly I blink over and over until my eyes open enough to see a white ceiling and walls.

Not a completely unfamiliar view.

"Take it easy. You're gonna be okay." A soothing female voice whispers like she's afraid to wake me. "It's Chelsea. I'm Matt McConnells assistant. Breyden's manager."

Nodding slowly to tell her I know who she, I open my eyes again. They're slightly more focused now and I look around the room. In the chair next to me is Breyden sound asleep. He looks like a scruffy mountain man. I don't think he has shaved in at least a week. His clothes are wrinkled and a book lays over his chest like he fell asleep reading.

"He's barely left your side. Matt forced him to get to practice and games but Breyden has refused to leave you for anything else. His only concern is for you. He was so afraid he lost you." Chelsea informs me. "He blames himself for what happened to you. He was so afraid that you would wake up alone and scared but we made sure one of us was here all the time."

"How long?" My voice is rough and scratchy and I barely made a sound. It's like I've spent the last week screaming at the top of my lungs non stop and haven't had anything to drink.

"Two weeks since you were admitted. I think you weren't missing for more than a few hours but it's all they needed to hurt you." Her voice is soft distant and sad.

Chelsea looks tired like she hasn't slept in a long while. Dark bluish purple marks under her eyes and her body language suggests she has been more upset about something else than me. She seems to have an understanding of what happened to me that's more than she lets on.

Has she gone through this?

"What happened?" I ask slowly. I'm draining my energy with every word I say. I'm so tired. Thinking about how I got here, I'm lost. I have no idea what happened. Not even a hint of detail to help me put the pieces together.

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