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Chapter 23



It was really a beautiful ceremony. I was glad to have gotten the opportunity to be here for it. And I've got the most beautiful girl in the room on my arm. I plan on making the most of the time I have with her. I'm not fucking this up and losing her to Tyler. No way, Quinn is the only girl I've ever tried to do my best by. I can't screw it up.

This party is in full swing. The backyard is lit up with these little white lights above us, there's candles on the tables and a full moon to brighten the night sky. The band playing is actually really good music and the food was amazing. Quinn is sitting next to me taking it all in while the guys on the team are sitting with us talking about what happens next.

"Breyden, ya need a bachelor party man! You're only getting hitched once, right? We gotta do it." Zee encourages Breyden who is barely listening to him. He's too preoccupied with his own girl sitting in his lap.

His arms are wrapped around Laney like he's afraid she's going to disappear again. In all the years of being Breyden's friend, I've never seen him like this with another girl. Oh he's had plenty of girls in his lap but he's always been distracted, distant with them. Not with Laney. Breyden's attention is only on her. I'm not sure he's even listening to the conversation. It's the way he looks at her that gets me. No other female seems to exist for him since he met Laney. He really does love her.

"Yeah man! Let's have one last bash." Caleb agreed.

He looks at Laney thinking this over. I know what the guys are thinking. They think it's gonna be like one of the parties we've had, plenty of girls and booze for everyone of them. They're looking to get laid. Not Breyden, he's found the one girl that has made him want to change his ways. He's not interested in the least. Breyden kisses Laney's neck before he even thinks of answering.

"I don't want one, guys. I need to keep focused on school and football. I'm not doing anything to fuck up my future. The combine is coming up fast, I have to stay focused. Getting married doesn't change that. If anything, it makes all of it even more important." Breyden smiles as he says this looking at Laney then giving her a soft easy kiss. "I've got a family to think about now. I've got to do right by her."

"Laney, is it okay if Breyden can come out to play the night before the big day?" Caleb asks ignoring Breyden completely. "You don't mind us taking him out for a night with the guys, right?"

"It's Breyden's choice, not mine. I'm not going anywhere either. We've got to respect what the Bradford's have asked of us." Laney agrees with Breyden. I know this has set Breyden at ease hearing she won't be going out to party with the girls either. After what happened, I don't think Laney or Regan will be going to a bar anytime soon.

Looking over at my date, who's listening to this argument but not saying a word, I can see this is boring her. Quinn has been quiet tonight with the guys. She's beautiful, sitting here but I think bored with this conversation. I know I am. The music just changed to a slow song so I lean over, my arm adjusts to run my fingers through her long dark hair brushing it away from her neck as I lean into her. Those big brown eyes look up at me and I rest my forehead to hers.

"How about we dance?" I whisper and watch her pretty face go pink. I smile at her reaction. I can't help it, I've never had a girl this shy before. I'm used to the ballsy ones that want a way into my bed so they can latch on for the ride.

"I don't really know how." She confides softly as if she's embarrassed by the admission.

I nod and push away from the table. "Come on sweetheart, let me hold you for a while."

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