Stripper Man Stripper Man

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Chapter 24

Stripper man Stripper man


Sitting here in Georgia's kitchen studying for my upcoming legal taft's exam, I wonder if I should have picked an easier major. I love law and according to my parents, I also have a knack of arguing my way out of everything. I have to agree. I've argued with Regan all our lives and I don't think she's ever won with me. I push my viewpoint until the other person gives up. Doesn't matter if it's because I'm right or sheer exhaustion, I still win. Now that I'm thinking about it, I could have found something that didn't require quite so much studying.

"Hey!" Zee and Caleb plop down in the chairs on either side of me. There's a plan brewing between the two of them. They look guilty of something. What did these two do now. "We've got a plan for tonight and you have to help us get Breyden out of here for it."

Oh shit!

I know what this means. These two have been trying for days to get Breyden to agree to a bachelor party and he's flat out rejected it every time. I understand why he's so against it. After all the issues with Sloan and Laney's attack, he's trying to keep a low profile. He doesn't want to fuck anything else up with her this close to the wedding. He's really trying to get out of the party these two are so desperately trying to throw him. So now they want to surprise him with one.

Why do I feel like this is going to end very badly?

I've known these guys for four years now. I like them. They're fun guys to work with on the team with even better ones to party with. They're hard workers but they party just as hard if not harder. We've had plenty of times over the years where one of us have had to pull these guys back from either a fight or coming on to a girl too strong. Tonight would be no exception.

"You know Breyden said no, right? He's getting married tomorrow, I don't think he wants to go through the day with a hangover." I remind them.

"Cam dude! What's a best man for, if not to get the groom into a bit of trouble one last time before his friend spends the rest of his life with the same girl? Same ole sex, same place, same time... Breyden needs a little glimpse of excitement before he's stuck with the same landing zone every night man." When Zee puts it that way it starts to sound good to me too.

Rubbing my temple I close my eyes and wonder how I can convince these two to just leave Breyden behind and the rest of us can go to the strip club. Fuck, we'd have more girls to choose from without them all hanging off Breyden's dick begging for a good time. Only he could have any girl he wants and he doesn't want any but one.

I decide to make the offer "Maybe we should leave him here. We could..."

"Oh no you don't, Camden Dailey!" Fuck! Of course Regan is listening in.

I swear to God I can't fucking do anything without her knowing it. She has eavesdropped on the three of us as long as I can remember. I remember once we were trying to sneak out to go to a party freshman year of high school and Regan made sure all of our parents knew exactly what we wanted to do. Ended up, we got stuck going out with her parents that night and got suckered into playing bingo with a bunch of old folks at a nursing home instead of getting drunk and partying with the cheerleaders.

Her parents have a fucking warped sense of humor.

"Nah, Regan we're wanting to do something special for Breyden. You know, he's the first soldier to fall and all." Caleb tries to backtrack his way out of this but he's not making any progress. From the look on Regan's face I'd say he's drowning in quicksand and she's not willing to save him.

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