The Secret Revealed

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Chapter 44

The Secret Revealed


The combine was amazing. The competition, the stadium, the taste of the NFL and the scouts there to watch. It was an awesome week. Ending quickly with a flight back to the west coast and back to classes. My time here isn't quite done yet.

Spring semester is flying by just as it has the last three years. People are hanging out the quad getting sun, guy's are talking spring break and girls are wearing less clothes for us to see. Gotta love the California sun. Classes are gearing up for finals in the coming weeks, the cold mornings are warming into hot afternoons and my nerves are threatening to shred apart as the draft has moved into view and is upon us.

As I take a break in between classes and give myself an hour at the gym to just unwind a little I notice I'm getting some attention. The kind I really don't want right now. There's a group of guys on the other side of the gym watching, talking, commenting on me. It's getting louder and louder and I can hear exactly what they're saying.

"He's only in the first round picks because Bradford's paying for it."

"He isn't even good enough on his own. Little bitch has to bribe his way in!"

Blake warned me this could happen

I don't need this shit. Shaking my head, I slow my steps and watch the guy's in the mirror. I don't want a fight. Turning off the treadmill, I grab my towel and head to the locker room. I can just work out with Blake at the house. At least there I don't have to deal with guys making smart ass remarks or girls hitting on me.

I hear a familiar voice as I turn into the locker room and stop. Fitz? I thought he had class this time of day. Not that it matters, the guy's been acting strange now since the beginning of the year. I've all but given up on him. I don't understand what happened to him.

"Do you got something for me?" He asks greeting someone else inside.


Frowning, my brows draw together as I peek around the corner. I see Fitz passing one of the team trainers a handful of bills. The trainer thumbs through it then nods to Fitz to take a seat on the bench.

"You're gonna get this fixed, right Fitz. The longer you wait, the worse it'll get. Injuries aren't something to ignore." He gives Fitz a warning all the while sticking a needle into the back of his neck. "Head injuries are serious. You get hit out there again..."

"I know the risks. I want to get drafted. I just want to play." Fitz closes his eyes like he's in pain.

What the fuck? What's wrong with him? Coach drilled into our heads the importance of talking to the team doctors. They don't want the responsibility of a player getting hurt on the field if it's preventable. When did Fitz get hurt?

"Fitz, dude, I get that but it's been months since that collision. You should've gotten it looked at by now. I can't do this again. Someone is gonna figure it out. Then it's my ass for helping you." The trainer tries to reason with him but Fitz isn't listening.

He's shut down. I can tell by the expression on his face. "Don't worry about me. Thanks for your help. I gotta jump."

Realizing I'm going to get caught, I decide to just go in. Screw it if he's pissed at me. I can't watch him throw his career down the drain. Walking in like I didn't hear any of the last few minutes, I whistle as I head over to my locker. Right next to Fitz.

"Fitz. What's up?" I make sure I look long and hard at the trainer. Kids green, new this year and probably was only trying to help but knows now there's a problem. I rock my head just enough to the side the kid gets the message and hurries out before I say a word.

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