Coming Home

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Chapter 29

Coming Home
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It's been hours since Laney and Breyden left with the officers. Some people stuck around for a while, ate, danced and waited. We're all waiting now. Most everyone has decided that the party is over. The last few hours waiting to see if the bride and groom would come back have been tense and worrisome but I think now we're all sure that Laney is on her way back to Ireland. Georgia, Blake and Matt are still gone with Laney and Breyden. I lost Regan and Cam at some point as well. The babies have been put to bed and the only ones left are Breyden's teammates and me.

Not knowing the situation and when we'll hear something is nagging at me. I don't like the waiting. I'm sure with everything that's happened, the last thing Georgia wants after this is to come home to a messy house that she'll have to clean up. I'm sure Blake and Emma don't want to deal with it either. I should help out and clean up. I'm not sure what the plan was but I'm not doing anything else and I'd feel better if I keep myself busy. I've always been able to sort my thoughts better if I'm occupied with a mindless task and right now my mind is working overtime. Working my way through the house I pick up leftover plates, cups and bottles putting them in the trash bag in my hand.

"Quinn, sweetheart you don't have to do that. I'm sure Georgia has a cleaning crew coming in the morning." Tyler comes over and takes the bag from my hand.

I didn't know he was still here. Of course he is. He's probably staying over until Matt and Chelsea's wedding just like the rest of the family. I'm not used to this. All these people, family that I should know, I should feel comfortable around them. I'm not. I was alone most of my life, I wasn't sad , I was just alone. I guess in a way it was sad, but it wasn't by my choice, my brother chose to leave me behind. He left me and I'm not going to pretend that it didn't suck. It did, but that was a long time ago and I've moved on. I can't look back to what if. Beckett made the choice to stay out of my life, that's on him, wherever he is.

"I didn't know you were still around. I thought everyone was heading to bed, or out it seems." I motion to the boys as they begin to plan a trip to a bar.

"No, I don't know what will happen so... you know, with Emma about to pop and all, I figured it'd be better to keep an eye on things." Tyler touched my hand and slid his thumb in a circle softly over the back of it. He looks at me with this soft gentle expression, like he has something on his mind that he wants to say.

My hand warms up and the heat continues up my arm and through my body. Tyler steps closer, his hand still holding mine and drops the trash bag at our feet. The other hand cups my face and his finger rub gently on the back of my neck. His eyes drop from mine to my lips and I know what he wants but I'm still not sure about any of this. He's a nice guy and I get butterflies everytime I'm around him. But instincts tell me I should be careful. My hand presses against his chest halting him from moving further and he steps back. Grabbing the trash I begin my chore again.

What's he doing to me?

"I'm just helping Georgia out. I do better when I'm busy. It's fine, I'm fine with doing just this." I don't know why I'm so uncomfortable lately. It seems every time I'm in a room with both Tyler or Fitz. I feel like I'm being tugged in two directions and I don't know how to deal with it. No one has ever pursued me, no one ever noticed I was there. Now these two are fighting constantly and I seem to be the reason.

Moving away from Tyler, I give him a nervous smile and keep cleaning up. The guys are scattered around watching the TV inside, grouped at tables outside. The talk I hear is the same from them all. We're all worried about Laney. They wonder if Breyden will be back, if he'll go to Ireland with her. They wonder who will take over as quarterback if he does go and how it will affect the team for the last playoff game. I understand they want to do well, but I don't think that's where Breyden's mind is. I think he's worried about Laney. He loves her, anyone can see that. It would be nice to have someone love me that way, so completely and absolutely. It would feel..... indescribable.

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