Sins of the Father are Sins of the Son

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Chapter 40
Sins of the Father are Sins of the Son


As soon as I was done at the gym, freshly showered and changed, I headed out with Cam towards the Bradford mansion. Checking my phone as we climbed into the car, I see several messages from Laney. Without listening to any of them, I call her back. I figured she needed me to stop at the store or grab something from campus. The problem is the call goes straight to voicemail. It's not normal that she doesn't pick up so I try it again. Then again with the same results. That sets everything in me on red alert. I knew I should have kept my phone with me. I knew I should have checked in with her in between workouts.

Damn it!

Cursing at myself for being stupid, Cam looks over concerned. Putting my phone on speaker we listen to the messages.

"Breyden! Brey, I need ya home. Please hurry, he got into the house. He was here, I saw him. I'm fine but please get home."

"Breyden, Matt and Chelsea are here. I'm not alone, but please call me as soon as you can."

"Damn it, Breyden. Where the devil are ya! The police just got here. I could really use ya right now."

"FUCK!" My fist slams into the dash in pure frustration. "Cam, drive faster. I've got to get to her."

His eyes dart to me then the road. "I'm going eighty, dude. It's not going to help if I get a fucking ticket. You're paying for it if I do, bigshot. I get a ticket, it's on you. Call Regan, will you. Make sure she's okay."

We fly down the street as fast as we can. Up the coast around the curve and up the hills. Street lights and headlights flash past us. The twisting turns of rough mountains off the coast go by in blur. The sun has set, the moon is high and once again I'm late getting to the house, only this time Laney needs me. What the fuck was I thinking, there's a damn gym closer to the house. I should have gotten off campus earlier, I should have gone to the gym five minutes from the house.

"Stop it, Breyden. You heard her. She's not alone, she's fine. You can't change what happened now. Laney needs you to be strong for her. She's scared and freaked out. You can handle this, dude, but not if you're freaking out too." Cam reminds me of what I need to be for her. She needs me strong, to be her rock.

Closing my eyes I focus on what Laney sounded like on each call. The first one she was scared, panicked by the trembling of her voice. I hate that she's going through this. The second, not as bad. She had Chelsea and Matt, she wasn't alone and the police were on the way. The third call was better, calmer. She was dealing with the situation. I have to give her credit for being so strong to handle everything that has been thrown at her since the beginning. I just wish I was already there.

What will happen when I'm not close by? It's bad enough I'll be gone for the next week but what about after the draft, when I'm on a road trip? Who will she lean on then? I don't want to be away from her all the time. Am I making a huge mistake with my career?

"She's fine, knock it off, man." Cam grumbles taking a turn a little too fast and squealing the tires. "She's safest right where she is. Bradford won't let shit happen to any of them."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." Holding onto the oh shit handle for the next turn.

Cam barely stops the car and I'm out, with him at my heels as we rush into the house, past the guards at the door and further between cops talking. My eyes are roaming around the foyer, darting into the great room, living room and library as I pass the rooms. Not finding my girl I keep moving. Hearing voices coming from the back of the house I know immediately where everyone is, the kitchen, of course. It's the heart of this house.

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