Someone is Watching

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Chapter 37

Someone is Watching


This place used to be my sanctuary, my domain. I have loved college and my experience here. I met my wife here, I never would have found Laney if she didn't come here when she did. We were at the right place at the right time. Call it fate, chance or foretelling, she was just made for me and came right when I was ready for her.

Leaving her asleep in our bed this morning for training while she was still warm and soft curled up in such a way so I could just see the bangs and bruises Sloan had gotten in on her was hard to look at. It pissed me off that it happened, lit a fire in me to train harder than normal and push me to get home to her as fast as I can.

Georgia's house is secured with guards, cameras and alarms but that doesn't ease my mind lately. Training on campus put me a distance further away from her than I'd like. Training for the combine means we're closing in on the time where I'll be leaving her alone for a week of busy schedules, meetings and interviews. Blake and Matt are joining me on this trip putting my wife and theirs without us for a long time. Long enough for me to worry about them while he is still unfound.

All three have been victims of Zach and I don't doubt that he's going to try to take advantage of our time away. This thought makes me nervous. Even with the assurance from Matt and Blake that they've up security, I still wish she was coming with me. Matt says I need to stay focused, it's hard with so much on my mind. I'd be more focused if Laney was coming with us but Matt and Blake agree that she would be a distraction that I don't need right now.

Running on the treadmill I feel like a hamster on a fucking wheel. I like to run out on the beach, where I can watch the surf, the boats and the people. Or I like to run around campus or just around the track where I can still see other people and be outside where there's stuff happening around me. Blake reminds me I won't have the luxury of any of that everywhere I have to travel with a team. Fans will mob me, weather can hit, timing can be wrong and I can workout in the middle of the night or the fucking press could come at me like they have Blake. I've seen that first hand lately. It's a part of this life I'm entering into that sucks. Blake tells me I have to take the good with the bad.

I feel like that means this crazy year won't ever end.

"How's Laney this morning?" Blake steps onto the treadmill next to me and starts his own workout. He plugs in his specifications for his run and starts going not waiting for my response.

He looks like he belongs here. A worn out UCLA T-shirt, sweats that have ripped knees and look like they're ready for the trash heap, older than dirt tennis shoes and earbuds hanging around his neck. In no way does he look like a billionaire football star who could buy this gym ten times over if he wants. I'm betting he's got a gym setup just like this at his mansion in San Francisco.

"She was still asleep when I left." I see him increase his incline and feel it necessary to do the same. I'm training with him for a reason. If I want to be a part of his team, I have to keep up. "How's Emma and Hunter doing?"

My breathing is a little ragged but I'm not burning in my legs yet. I can keep up with a guy several years older than me. I'm the younger model right. Tougher, stronger, better. I can do anything Blake can, right?

"Cranky." Blake laughs at me then. "Em isn't a morning person, add in her lack of caffeine lately and she's been very difficult to tolerate in the morning, especially when I don't have time for sex. Then she's not as bad, as long as she gets off." I miss my step when he says this and laughs at me. "Just you wait until Laney's pregnant or nursing. The sex is awesome but I'm betting she's got quite a temper on her."

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