Stolen Moments

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Chapter 10

Stolen Moment

Two weeks later


I can't focus. My game has been off to say the least, and my grades are dropping. My attention to everything is gone. I haven't been able to sleep, to eat. Every time I close my eyes I see Laney's face with that bruise and it makes me sick, nervous something else has happened. I haven't talked to Laney since she walked out. Every time I try to get close enough to talk to her, she quickly goes the opposite direction like she's scared of me. I know she's avoiding me, I just don't know why but I have my suspicions.

I confronted Sloan over it and of course, she denied it. Now she seems to think it's open season for her to move back in on me. I ignore her constantly but she keeps coming at me. Like I want her back after what she did to Laney. After what I'm sure she did to convince her to stay away from me, I'll never go there again.

I've fought with Reed several times at the house and on the field too, who has actively been chasing after Laney. He's rubbing his efforts in my face every chance he gets. He's made crude comments to me about Laney and I know he's said the same to her from our friends and it's all I can do to not beat his head into the wall every time I see him for this. Laney isn't fighting back but only forcing me to watch it happen.

Regan has let me know bits of it, Cam has filled in the rest. Sloan and Reed are tag teaming Laney. One with threats against me and my career the other against Laney and being deported. I don't care what they do to me but I won't let them hurt Laney. I've been working on a solution but it's taking time that I'm running out of. I've asked them to hurry but I know they have their own problems at the moment. My patience is on a very thin thread.

The last two weeks have been horrible without her.

It's a perfect October fall day out but it's hard to enjoy it. I'm in between classes out in the main quad tossing the ball with Theo and Fitz. This is as close as I've gotten to Laney in two weeks and I'm still too far away from her. She sitting under the tree at the far end of grass. I'm at the other end. I can't even get close enough to say hi to her. But I can see her, she's beautiful sitting there with Regan and Quinn. Spacing out just watching her, I can't help but hope she's looking at me too.

"Sloan's watching, dude. Throw the ball." Zee says over my shoulder. The guys all know what happened by now and even though I'm not physically with Laney, I've got eyes on her, keeping her safe.

"I can't keep doing this. It's gotta stop." I grumble tossing the ball aside and heading straight for Laney. Two weeks is enough of a break for me to know I want her back.

"Breyden stop." Fitz meets me right in front of the girls. Close enough for me to see Laney's eyes get big, looking at me but hiding it behind her sunglasses. Her body stiffens like she wants to run away. "You got all kinds of eyes on both of you, man. I know you don't want Laney getting hurt again. I don't either, so you need to move away from her right now. Reed is behind you heading this way and Sloan is grinding her teeth over there."

"I don't care who's watching me. I want to talk to her." I'm not even looking at Fitz. I'm looking straight at Laney who's just slightly shaking her head at me. "Gimme your phone, man."

Taking Fitz's phone I text Cam to call Laney and set up a secret meeting for us in the library late tonight. I know she's always there. Cam told me about the dorms she's in with Quinn. It's situated in the back side of campus. It's far, dark, secluded and not a good area for any female. She's only there when she has to be otherwise her and Quinn are in the library.

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