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Chapter 35


The lights over my head race past me in a blur. The nurses rush me through a set of double doors. Vaguely I hear them asking questions, calling out orders. Where's Breyden? What happened? The questions form in my head but I can't focus to say the words. My head throbs, sharp searing pain over my left eye, a pulsing ache at the back of my neck.

"She's got a head contusion, probable concussion. Eyes dilated. BP 130 over 80."

He leans over me, those eyes meet mine. A doctor, but familiar. Those light gray eyes bore into mine with a mask over his nose and mouth. As if tempting me, wanting to know something more. His eyes are penetrating mine, hard and cold and.... evil. I know him. I've seen him. The icy fingers of fear grip on to me and strangle my scream.

"Her pulse is elevating!"

The black dots close in around my vision. Darkness surrounds me and I float away. Seconds, minutes or hours, I don't know anymore. I just disappear in the dark.


The lights are bright. Struggling to open my eyes I start to push up, but have no strength to do more than get an inch up before I fall back down. Everything is white now, a stark difference from the darkness I was in. Looking around I see a woman at my side working on a clipboard. Setting it aside she smiles softly at me.

"Just rest now, I gave you something for the pain, so you're gonna be tired. It's okay to sleep now, honey. The doctor will be in soon." She pats my leg. The nurse continues to record my vitals before my eyes blur. My eyes are heavy, my body weighted and the room disappears and I float once again.


The lights pulse to the beat of the music. I know it's loud but I don't hear a thing. The silence is deafening. There's bodies grinding up on each other covering every inch of the dance floor. It's a scene I'm not familiar with.  I never was one for clubs, but there's something familiar here.  The room seems to tilt and whirl in dizzying directions as I look around. I know I'm not here alone. I wouldn't come to a place like this by myself but I see no one I know. Looking across the dance floor, I see him. Those gray eyes staring back at me, like I should know him.

People move between us, dancing and gyrating to the beat. The flashing lights begin to hurt my eyes, but I need to see him again. I need a good look at that face. I know him from somewhere. Dark hair, gray eyes, sharp features. As the bodies move again I see he's gone.

Where did he go?

Scanning the dance floor, the bar, I don't see him now. Lifting my drink I take several deep swallows to curb my dry throat. It's so hot and humid tonight. Picking up my phone I look for any messages from my friends. Yes, that's right I'm here with Regan. She's saying goodbye to me. I'm going home.  There's no sign of her or a message from her. I'm frustrated that I'm left alone in a place that's making me uncomfortable. Why would she just leave me here? As I pan around to look behind me, I knock my phone off the table.

"Shit!" Sliding off the stool, I bent over to pick it up and a wave of nausea hit me. My head spins. Too much to drink, too hot. It all hits me. I feel the sweat break out over my skin and the instant chill covers my skin. I sway and catch myself on the table.

"Careful there darlin. I got ya now, Chels. Now you're gonna pay." His voice is in my ear.

Looking up, I get an up close and personal look at him. Dark slick hair, light gray piercing eyes. His body presses against my back as I fall against him. My head is spinning. Dots of red and gray pulse to the music just on the peripheral of my vision before the darkness closes in. I feel myself falling, deeper into the darkness as I'm lifted up, floating into the abyss.
"Wake up bitch!" The splash of ice water is a harsh reality when my eyes shoot open. Frightened doesn't get close to my fear.

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