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You could say it was fate. It was Taehyung's idea, and because of it he met him.

The Kim and Min Academy was opened by the two childhood friends, Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon. This is the school Taehyung and his best friend, Jimin, attended.

Their class was a mess. They were known for pulling insane pranks on eachother and the teachers. And one day, they got sick of their PE teacher. Mr Z (sorry im not creative enough to come up with a name) was... unfit... to say the least. He had one of the worst personalities a teacher, a PE teacher in particular could have. He was lazy, and physically a person who just shouldn't be a teacher of athletic activities.

So Taehyung came up with a plan. Because Mr. Z never payed attention to the class and just stayed on his phone all class, he never noticed what the class was doing. So Taehyung made a plan and told it to his friends, Jackson, Kai, and a few others who he had PE with, and they spread the plan to the other students.

First they took out the dodge balls. Then they used the plastic tub which held the balls before, and filled it with water from the bathrooms right outside the gym. Tae and Jackson quietly snuck up behind him, with the huge tub full of water, and dumped it on him while some other student screamed, "FIRE!" and everyone started throwing dodge balls at him as hard as they could, Tae and Jackson ducking to avoid being hit. Mr. Z screamed, covering his head, dropping his already soaked phone, which shattered on impact with the floor.

He stomped to Mr. Kim's and Mr. Min's office, and quit. And to be honest, neither of them tried to stop him from leaving.

They had about a week of no PE, which Taehyung had Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and surprisingly, the next Monday, a new certain someone came into Tae's classroom to introduce himself. Taehyung, who was talking to Jimin at the time glanced at him and continued talking. In a few seconds, his eyes caught up with his brain and he spun around to look at him again.


Jeon Jungkook

"Hey, I'm Mr. Jeon, I'll be your new PE teacher starting Thursday."

Taehyung's jaw dropped. All of the sudden, he thanked what ever force rules the universe that Mr. Z left, and this angelic human being came into his life.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now