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Jungkook pov

I held Taehyungs hand as we walked close together down the winding paths of the forest. Taehyung jumped at a loud crunch of leaves and branches close to us, then gaped in awe as a few deer jumped out and ran across the path a few meters in front of us.

"Oh my God! Jungkook! What- is that normal?! I've never seen deer in person I-" I looked down at Taehyung with a soft glint in my eyes. He was so precious and adorable and loving and cute, but even better...

He was mine.

Jesus Christ, when did I become so cheesy?

I squeezed his hand as he continued his little rant about the deer. I pulled on his hand a little and we started walking again. I couldn't remember a single person who's hand felt more right in my own than Taehyung's did.


Taehyung pov



I've never seen one is person and oH ma gAWD I WANT ONE!

Ok, sorry, moving on.

We walked hand in hand along the trails for a long time. Every once in a while I'd tense up because on the sting in my ass but I can't say I hated it. At some point, we came to the middle of the forest, where there was an empty kids playground. Me, being the responsible (almost) adult I was, I ran straight to it and climbed up one of the slides.

Jungkook laughed and followed me--almost.

I was 5' 8", small enough to just barely fit through the opening. Jungkook was like, I don't know, 6' something? So he didn't fit. I looked at him handing onto the edge of the slide, his shoulder stuck a little in the slim opening. I burst out laughing, and so did he. He pushed himself out and walked precariously back down the slide.

Walking around, he found the stars and made his way over to me. I was still laughing as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

However, Jungkook's lips on my neck did I good job at calming me down. He licked up my neck to my ear, "What's so funny, huh?" he said.

"Y-you looked really funny when you g-got stuck..."

"Hmmm... looks like someone wants to be punished, am I right?"

"Ngh- Kook, no. I-i'm not really into that."

He gently kissed my cheek and let go of me, "Whatever you say, my love."

I was surprised at that reaction. This time I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you."

He chuckled, hugging me back and pressing a chaste kiss to my forehead. He was so sweet and never pushed my boudaries, never taking more than what I was willing to give and I really appriciated that. For what seemed like the millionth time, I wondered what the hell I could have possible done to deserve someone as perfect as him.


okokok I know the chapters have gotten shitty and short and inconsistent but I'm really low on motivation to write, so Im sorry buuuuuuut I'm trying. I also wanna fuck shit up to give the story more plot, sooooooooooo stay tuned for that. I'll try to uplaod at least once a week,

sorry y'all

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