//21// M

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I FINALLY can use my laptop again. Sorry for the last three or so chapters being so shitty. By the time I write the end of a sentence i for get when I wrote in the beginning because it was so slow and sldkjnfksndhknsaoin

Now you should be getting more chapters, and definatly going to try to make them a good deal longer.


"I love you too, baby. So much."

Jungkook gently placed Taehyung on the ground so he could wrap his arms around the younger boy better. He held him close, running his hands up and down his sides and back, having an irrational need to feel him and have him as close as possible in the moment. Taehyung did the same.

Jungkook pulled back, Taehyung tracing the lines of his face slowly with his fingers. His forehead, sharp eyebrows, the crows feet beside his eyes, the soft slope of his nose, and his lips--his fingers being replaced by his own lips. They kissed slow and sensual. No tongue or teeth, just lip on lip. Then, Jungkook deepened the kiss. It was usually Taehyung who did things like that, but for once he decided to take things into his own hands. Taehyung followed him, letting Jungkook lead and take control of him.

With Jungkook being taller and bigger than him, it felt so good to be held like this, Jungkooks heat wrapping around him like a blanket. He didn't want to pull away. So he didn't. He just let Jungkook kiss him again and again, both their minds starting to fog over. Taehyung let go. He didn't care about taking things slow, he wanted Jungkook, and he wanted him now.

"Jungkook..." He breathed out against Jungkook's lips. Jungkook pulled away, looking down at him through his lashes, admiring how his boyfriend his looked so fucked out just from kissing. "Yes, Taehyung?"

"Please, Kook. I... I know you said you wanted to wait but please, Jungkook, please," He looked square into his eyes, holding the eye contact for a few seconds before leaning in and whispering against his ear, "Take me."

"Are you sure? I meant what I said-"

He kissed him, Taehyung intertwined their fingers and pulled his boyfriend towards the direction of the bedroom. "Yes, Kook. I'm sure."

They walked in and Taehyung layed back on the bed, Jungkook settling over him, watching him like he was his prey. Taehyung felt like he was being devoured under the intense gaze, but he didn't mind. He wanted this so fucking much.

Jungkook kissed him again, not holding back, going in with teeth and tongue, drawing out moans from the soft boy under him. He moved down to his unmarred neck, "Hickeys?"

"Ngh- Fuck, yes," He said and immediatly felt his boyfriend bite and suck at his neck. First one stop, then another, then another. So many places that he started to get impatient. He pushed Jungkook off lightly, tugging at his shirt. Jungkook got the message and took it off, Taehyung did the same.

"Ah, fuck- Kook... flip, I wanna-"

"No, babe," He whispered against the skin of Taehyung's chest, Taehyung could barely hear him over the sound of his beating heart. "This is all about you, love. Let me take care of you."

Taehyung threw his head back, a broken moan escaping his lips. He pulled Jungkook into a soft, almost chaste, kiss. "Thank you, Jungkook. Now please, fuck me already."

"We're not fucking, Tae," Jungkook gave the small boy under him a cheeky grin, "We're making love."

In any other situation, Taehyung would have probably laughed at Jungkook's cheesy-ness, but he didn't have time to as Jungkook swooped down and kissed down his chest, stopping briefly to lick at Tae's nipples, then kissed down his soft stomach and to the waist band of the pants Taehyung was wearing.

He palmed Taehyung through his pants, making Taehyung gasp at the friction.

"Look at me, Tae," said Jungkook, and as soon he had Taehyung's eyes on him he grabbed the zipper and unzipped it with his teeth, sending vibrations through his cock as the zipper ran across the hard length of it. Taehyung couldn't help but moan.

Jungkook pulled down Tae's pants and briefs down together, Taehyung lifting his hips to help. Jungkook kissed from the base of Taehyung's hip to the base of Taehyung's dick. He held it in his hand as he gave the head kitten licks. Taehyung was about to tell Jungkook to stop teasing him when Jungkook took him into his mouth, making Tae arch his back off the bed.

Jungkook gagged as Taehyungs cock hit the back of his throat. "H-hum," said Tae, and Jungkook did, which helped him gag less. It also sent delicious vibrations down Taehyung's cock.

After a minute Jungkook pulled off Taehyung's cock, making Tae whine at the loss. Jungkook got off the bed to get lube and condoms, while Tae lay back tried to catch his breath. He came back, sliding between Taehyung's already open thighs. He put some lube on his fingers, "You ready babe?"

"Yeah- oh god," Jungkook briefly rubbed circles into Tae's entrance before pushing in gently. It was really embaracing to admit, but the other day he may of may not have googled how gay sex worked. He didn't know when this would happen, but he didn't want to seem too inexperinced if he and Tae did it.

He thrust his fingers at a slow pace until Taehyung muttered a broken, "M-more," after which he added a finger, giving Tae a second to adjust before he thrust faster than he had before. Taehyungs filter was gone. He couldn't stop moaning and gasping at the feeling of being stretched, the feeling so foreign yet so right.

Right because it was Jungkook who stretched him open while sucking hickeys into his hips and thighs. Right because he was consious and with the man he loved so, so much.

Jungkook added the third and final finger. He was constantly asking Taehyung if he was alright and how he felt, to which Taehyung would respond to with good and keep going, please and more.

"K-kook, I'm ready, shit-" Jungkook's fingers brushed his prostate dead on, making him shudder, "J-just, put it in."

"As you wish, angel." Jungkook pulled out his fingers, rolling on the condom and applying a little too much lube to himself--he didn't want to hurt the small boy--and pressed himself against his entrance.

"I love you, baby," he whisper and started to slowly push in. Tears espaced Tae's eyes because of the sting. Three fingers was definately not enough. At last, inch by ince, he pushed in all the way, his hips resting against Tae's ass.

Taehyung was in a lot of pain. Yet nevertheless, after a brief moment he groaned, "M-move."

As Jungkook pulled out and thrust back in, Taehyung saw stars. It still hurt, a little less, but it did. But the pleasure overrode the pain. Within minutes Taehyung was raking his nails down Jungkook's back, their moans blending together into one.


"Harder, baby, h-harder."


Soon Taehyung felt a familiar heat swirl in his stomach. It was like when he jerked off, but so much better, so much stronger. "I-i'm close, Kook."

"Me t-too, love," He sted up, thrusting in at an animalistic pace, hitting Taehyungs prostate again and again, making Taehyungs moan even louder, if that was possible.

"F-fuck! J-Jungkook, please, c-can I cum?"

"Yes, baby. C-come for me," Taehyung released all over his and Jungkook's abdomen, some even landing on his chest and chin, as Jungkook released in the condom.

Jungkook pulled out and walked to his bathroom on shaky feet, getting a wet rag to clean up his angel with. As he did so, he asked a panting Tae, "How do you feel?"

It took a second for the question to register in Taehyung's brain, his mind having gone foggy because of all the pleasure, "Good, so good, Kook."

Jungkook smirked, "I didn't want to bother you with it during our first time, but next time we do it," He leaned in, whispering in his babies ear, "Call me daddy."


Ok, it isn't the best, but hey, I really like writing smut.

Hope u enjoyed, u nasties.

I cringed so bad at the making love thing holy fuk.

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