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"Wait, really?!" Jimin yelled, making the woman at the front desk of the library glare at them.

"Yeah!" Taehyung whispered excitedly.

"You two are boyfriends now?"

"Yeah!! He said a lot of really sweet things when I told him that everyone in the past only wanted me for my body and then asked me out!"

"I'd still be careful, Tae. You've known him for less than two weeks. But he does seem like a nice guy. I'm happy for you," Jimin gave Taehyung a soft smile, he was happy Tae had someone, although he wasn't sure if he trusted Jungkook just yet.

"Also, he's kinda our teacher, so be careful on that regard as well."

"Thanks Chim, I'm so glad I have a friend like you eye-" Taehyung fake cried, wiping imaginary tears from his face.

Jimin just laughed in reply.

The bell rung, signaling the end of study hall, and seconds later, Taehyung's phone also started ringing. He picked it up without looking at the caller ID.


A very familiar voice entererd, "Taehyung, baby! How are you?" He didn't wait for a responce, which Taehyung would have been too stunned to answer anyway. "I'm back in town and was wondering if maybe you'd want to meet up? I'd fuck you as good as I did before, now how does that sound-"

Taehyung hung up. Tears welled in his eyes and fear sprang up in his chest.

No. It couldn't be him. He couldn't be back. Not when things were going to good and he was happy again. Tears fell down his cheeks as he sprinted through the crowded halls, trying to find Jungkook somehow.

He ran into the gym. Luckily Jungkook didn't have a class to teach this period and the last period already left. He ran into the arms of his boyfriend and sobbed.

"Taehyung, love, what's wrong?" Jungkook hugged him close. Anger built in his chest. Whoever made him cry better choose a coffin, and fast, because he or she wouldn't live much longer.

"I-I- Just, h-hold me..." Jungkook did, running his finger tips through the younger boys hair, masssaging his scalp. His other hand slipped under the other's school polo that had come untucked while he ran, and rubbed soothing cirlces into his lower back.

"Everything is going to be alright, my love..." Jungkook whispered into his ear.

Taehyung hoped he was right.


I'm sad.

That chapter was a lil short but......... shits bout to happen? I think? I had a plot, but now I'm just kinda going with it. Like, I have no idea what I'm even gonna call the guy who called Tae.

Pray to Namjesus for me y'all im rly struggling.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now