//10// M(ish)

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Taehyung smiled as he sat in first period on a Monday morning. He was thinking of what happened Saturday, how Jungkook kissed him, their shower, how they fell asleep together and everything in between. On Sunday he still stayed with Jungkook, watching movies together and getting to know eachother. And now he had PE with him in a few hours.

He couldn't wait.

When he got to school Taehyung saw Jungkook, who blushed slightly, shyly smiling at the younger boy.

Jesus Christ he was cute. So shy, yet once he got into it so confident and strong. Taehyung loved it.

He was so lost in thought he didn't notice the teacher ask him a question. He looked up as his name was called again. The kid behind him mumbled the answer to him, which Taehyung then told the teacher, making their teacher glare at the two.

"Pay attention, Taehyung," said his math teacher.

"Sorry, sir," he said, and went back to thinking of Jungkook, trying to not imagine anything that wasn't family friendly. He didn't want to get a boner in class.


"Ok, guys. Today will be the last day of your basketball unit," said Jungkook, and proceeded to explain what they'd be doing.

Taehyung listened. Kind of. He was looking at his teacher's neck. He could see faint marks along his jawline, neck, and under his ear that were covered by mismatched foundation.

He smirked, knowing he made those marks.

They started playing basketball, and once again, the class flew by. He again stuck around till the others left, then he came up to Jungkook and whispered in his ear, "Meet me in the locker room in ten minutes," laying a quick peck below his ear before leaving as well.

Ten minutes, later once the bell for the next class rang, Mr. Jeon walked in to the locker rooms where Taehyung stood waiting.

"Do you have a class right now?"

"Your class was my last. But you have class," Jungkook said, and he was right.

"Fuck that, my grades are decent enough in that class. I'll just say I'm sick."

"But-" Jungkook wad about to argue, but Taehyung pushed him to the nearest wall, his back thudding against the metal lockers.

"You covered my marks," Taehyung stated.

"I had to, Tae. I couldn't come to work with-"

"I'll just make new ones where you don't have makeup."

Taehyung kissed him, not giving him a chance to reply. At first Jungkook tried to resist, knowing if he gave in he'd leave with brand new bruises and bite marks.

He sure as hell didn't mind having Tae loving up on his neck, but he sure as hell did care about getting caught.

It would be really suspicious. He came to school without any (at least none that people could clearly see) and left with many. The only reasonable explanation would be if he was with one of the teacher, or even worse, a student.

Taehyung finally pulled away, giving him a chance to speak.

"G-go ahead, just... nowhere visible. So many bad things could happen if we are caught Taehyung."

Taehyung, although a little upset, understood where he was coming from.

"Alright," Taehyung pulled at the hem of Jungkook's shirt, signaling him to take it off. Jungkook got the message and complied.

Taehyung left open mouthed kisses down from the crook of his neck to his chest, starting to suck on his collar bones lightly. His shirt mostly covered his collar bones, so he thought it should be okay. Jungkook's breath hitched, a quiet moan escaped his lips.

Taehyung's mouth traveled lower, leaving hickeys over his shoulders. He bit harshly, leaving a pretty visible imprint of his teeth on Jungkook's shoulders.

"Ow- shit, Tae! Don't-" Taehyung growled, silencing his teacher with a searing kiss, his tongue brushing the roof of the others mouth, sending shivers down his spine. His complains turned into groans while their tongues battled. Jungkook pulled Taehyung flush against his chest, his hands going down to squeeze his ass while Taehyung kept Jungkook's mouth on his with both his hands in Jungkook's hair.

Both knew, that someone could come in at any given time. It wasn't likely, but it was possible. They knew they could get caught, and that they shouldn't be doing this, making out in the open, or at all.

But the taboo of the whole situation only made it better, each touch more electrifying.

Taehyung calmed down, pulling away and admiring his work. Jungkook's eyes dark and glazed, his lips swollen red. The array of blacks and blue on his neck were art in his eyes. Jungkook was his gorgeous canvas, to paint as he liked. And Taehyung was Jungkook's.

They looked at eachother. And Taehyung realized, that none of his boyfriends had ever looked at him with such adoration as Jungkook did now. The new-ness of it almost scared him, but he loved it nonetheless.


*dOinK* andioopandioopandioop SKSKSKSKksksKSKkskKSkKSk

Oops- dropped my hydroflask

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now