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Later that same day, Jimin had English together, Mr. Lee letting them just talk and study among themselves.

Any guesses what Taehyung was talking about?

"His arMS?! Did you notice? Its like the fabric was so tight around his bicep that- OHMYGOD JIMIN!! If his arms are that ripped do you think he has abs?"

"Probably," Jimin answered without looking up.

"How can you be so calm about it?"

"Well, he isn't really my type."

Taehyung just stared at him. "I can feel the judging look on your face, Tae."

"Damn straight."

"You mean damn gay?" Taehyung punched Jimin in the arm as the bell rang.

"Can we study in the library after school? I'm kind of clueless on whats on our test in Wednesday."

Jimin sighed, not very surprised that Tae didn't study.

"You really need to start studying Tae. It's almost summer, and then we become seniors, Tae. I think you won't get far without studying in your senior year."

Taehyung sighed, leaving the room and Jimin behind with a wave. He hated to admit it, but Jimin was right. It's just that he never had any motivation to study, his grades were pretty good, mostly B's, but he knew he could do better.


Taehyung got to the school library before Jimin, taking a seat in the back, and taking a moment to look around at the books, maybe something he could read. Taehyung loves books, something not many people knew. In the last few years he's really loved to read romance books, getting lost in a happy story with a happy ending.

Suddenly, from behind him a hand reaches out and grabs a book from the shelves, a muscular body brushes against his softer, smaller one. Taehyung looked back and came face to face with someone he really wanted to see this close up.

Mr. Jeon.

Taehyung, say something smart you dumbass.

Mr. Jeon moved back, making it a little easier for Taehyung to think.

"Ugh- Mr. Jeon, right?"

"That's me," Jungkook smiled, making Taehyung scream on the inside.

Taehyung's mind blanked. He knew he had so say something, but he didn't know what. Then his eyes landed on the book in the teacher's hand.

"Oh, I've read that one. The cover makes you expect the book to be about a sweet love story, but it's actually really dark. It has a very bad ending."

Jungkook glanced down at the book, "Can you recomend me something else? I don't like bad endings."

"Yeah..." Taehyung saddened a little and looked away, "Me neither."

Taehyung turned his attention to the book shelve, quickly pulling out a few that he really liked, handing them to him.

"These I really liked these. They don't take too long to finish, but I guess that depend on how much you read."

Jungkook nodded and skimmed the back of the books, "This sounds interesting."

"It's one of my favorites, actually."

"I think I'll take it. Thanks...?"


"Thanks Taehyung," Taehyung smiled back at Jungkook.

"No problem."

Jungkook did read the back of the book, but only briefly.

He didn't notice that the book was about a passionate romance of a teacher and a student.


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Still ins't as long as I'd want the chapters to be, but whatever.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now