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Jungkook drove a still-sniffling Taehyung to his apartment. Jungkook briefly left Taehyung to explain to Mr. Min that the two of them were leaving early because something was wrong with Taehyung and he was worried. Yoongi guessed about the chemistry between them and made up an excuse to cover for the two of them.

Jungkook parked, walked around the front of his car and opened the door for Taehyung. He gently took the younger's hand and pulled him towards the apartment building. Jugnkook held his close during the elevator ride up, and as soon as they entered his apartment went to the couch, letting Taehyung lie down on his chest, while he held him gently.

They stayed like that for a while, until Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and softly brushed their lips together.

"Ice cream?" Asked Jungkook, and a red eyed Taehyung nodded with a small smile on his lips.

Taehyung moved off of his chest and he went to his kitchen, searching his freezer.

"Chocolate, mint chocolate, Oreo, vanilla, or peach?"

"Oreo," came a quiet response from the living room. Jungkook settled beside Taehyung with a tub or Oreo ice cream and two spoons.

As they ate, Jungkook asked again, "What's wrong, babe?"

"I got a call from someone... an ex if you want to call him that. A-and I hung up and s-started crying, running to find you. Maybe it was the shock b-but..." Taehyung's voice died as tears flowed again.

"It's okay love, you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable doing so."

"N-no, it's fine. I-it's just that... well, his name is Wonho. While we dated, he always tried to get me to sleep with him, and when I told him I wasn't ready he'd get upset a-and... he'd h-hit me... One day we were at his house a-and he made me tea. I-I g-guess he drugged me and when I woke up, my ass w-was really s-sore a-and... he asked me to forgive him, a-and I did. The next few days he acted like a good boyfriend and took care of me and picked me up from school a-and-"

"Taehyung, wait. You forgave him? He raped you!"

"I-I.... I never thought of it that way. I just- it's my fault f-for denying him so long when he was my boyfriend a-and I should have trusted him enough to-"

"No!! Taehyung, no. He raped you. If you weren't ready he should have respected that," Jungkook stood up, pacing the living room. His eyes were tinted red in anger, "He should have taken his time and made sure you were willing and comfortable a-and happy and-" Jungkook stopped, taking a few deep breaths to calm him.

"What did he say when he called you?"

"He said t-that he was back in town and if I wanted to meet up and sleep with him again."

"And what did you say?"

"Nothing, I hung up." Jungkook pulled Taehyung into a tight embrace, "Good, you're mine now. If I ever run into him, he won't live to see tomorrow."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around his boyfriends shoulders, tucking head into the crook of his neck.

"I know."



I made that whole thing up on the spot. Like, I literally don't know a thing about Wonho. I know a few songs by Monsta X but i never really cared enough to research who the members were, so I just chose him randomly. I'm sure he's great, but oh well, he's the bad guy in this story now.

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