//27// M(ish)

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Taehyung grabs Jungkook by the hand, leading him to the bedroom. He pushes him down to sit on the bed, before producing a simple black tie from somewhere in his pockets.

He looks Jungkook in the eyes and asks mischievously, "May I?"

Jungkook gulps and gives a soft nod, anticipation flooding his veins. He closes his eyes, feeling the soft fabric against his face as Taehyung wraps it around his eyes. The lack of sight heightens his other senses, and he shuffles on the bed where he is seated as he hears Taehyung moving away.

He doesn't say anything, but he hears Taehyung unlocking and tapping on his phone. Just as he starts to get inpatient, opening his mouth to say something, he hears a song come on over the Bluetooth system.

A soft melody started playing, and for the whole into Jungkook didn't hear any movement from Taehyung.

You keep me connected to you
Like I was your shadow

Jungkook finally heard movement from Taehyung. It said under clothes ruffling and falling to the ground. Then he heard the zipper of his pants and- hold up, was he stripping??

You're givin' me answers
To all of my questions
Here on my pillow, oh~

There was a strange clicking noise as Taehyung approached him. "Move back."

Jungkook did as told, scooting back on the bed. The bed dipped as Taehyung got on it, crawling into Jungkook's lap.

Can't nothing get in between us, baby
We've been waiting on this moment for so long

Taehyung put his hands on Jungkooks shoulders and pushed him to lay back on the bed.

"Taehyung, what are you-"


Jungkook anticipated what would happen next. Taehyung leaned down and brushed his lips against Jungkooks ear.

He whispered, "Just enjoy..." Jungkook shivered as Taehyung's breath hit his ear and neck.

You wanna be reckless, restless
Right until tomorrow


Jungkook was so distracted he didn't even notice Taehyung bringing his hands over his head and cuffing them to the bars of the metal head board.

And then finally, after days and weeks of waiting, he kissed him.

When I put my lips on you
I feel the shivers go up and down
Your spine for me
Make you cry for me

They did share small kisses over the weeks, a little making out here and there. But now, Taehyung was kissing him differently.

It was deep, messy, hot, needy--the kind of kiss Jungkook had been craving but not getting for such a long time.

When I put my lips on you
I hear your voice echoing all through the night for me
Baby cry for me

And now Taehyung was grinding down on him and fuck- it was almost embarassing how fast he got hard. He bucked his hips up against his boyfriend, pulling at the handcuffs.

Taehyung pulled back, and Jungkook felt his gaze as he looked over him.

When I put my lips on you (when I, when I, when I)

Taehyung took off the blindfold, and Jungkook's breath hitched when he saw what Taehyung was wearing.

When I put my lips on you (when I, when I, when I)

Lace. Red lace. Red lace panties and a bralet. Jungkook swears he had never seen anything this stunning.


Yes y'all

I disappear and then I cockblock.

Nice to meet you.

Also the song is Lips on You by Maroon 5 and honest to god it's one of my all time favorite songs E V E R

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