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Jungkook's shirt was back on and they were sitting next to eachother, still in the locker room.

Taehyung had already missed about half his class, might as well fully ditch. It was the last period anyway.

"Where are you from?" Tae asked.

Jungkook smiled, thinking of his hometown,"Busan."

"Woah really?! I've never been there, I really want to go."

"Hmm... maybe I'll take you there sometime."


They talked like that for a while, getting to know eachother.

Jungkook glanced down at the time on his phone, "School's over in a few minutes. Here, give me your number."

Jungkook handed Taehyung his phone, who quickly added himself and sent himself a text, adding Jungkook to his contacts.

"I..." Jungkook started, then blushed and looked away.

Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's thigh, perhaps a little higher than necessary, "You what?"

"I-I heard there is a new ice cream shop opening up a few blocks from my apartment and I was wondering if you would, like, maybe... I don't know... would like to go on a d-date with me?" Jungkook tried to sound as confident as he could while blushing madly and avoiding all eye contact.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's chin, turning his face towards him, forcing him to make eye contact, "I would love to," he whispered and gently placed a few butterfly kisses to Jungkook's soft lips. Jungkook leaned in more, applying a little more pressure to the other's mouth.

Taehyung adored moments like this. He didn't have many with his previous partners.

He couldn't lie, he didn't mind the change one bit.


UwU short chapter but next will be their date and I'm so excited to write it eye-

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now