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Taehyung pov

Someone softly shook me awake. I heard my boyfriends voice calling me.

"Tae, baby, wake up. We need to take the brownies out of the oven."

"Hmm?" I hummed streched, slowly getting off if Jungkook and walking sleepily to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes. I didn't hear Jungkook getting up, so I looked back to find him sitting up and looking at me.

He had the fondest smile as he got up and walked over to me, "You have bed hair," he said as he ran his fingers through it, trying to comb the unruly hair down. I leaned into his touch, enjoying the feeling of his fingers on my scalp.

The oven beeping again interrupted our moment, "Better get those," Jungkook mumbled.

He got the brownies out. They smelled like actual heaven.

"And now we wait for two hours for them to cool."

"Okay. Wait- two hours!?" Taehyung said in outrage.

Jungkook laughed, "Yeah, how about we order pizza or something?"

"Please, I'm so hungry," Taehyung agreed. 


Third pov

Jungkook watched Taehyung take small tentative bites of the pizza.

"I thought you said you were hungry, babe?"

"I am?"

"Then eat!"

Taehyung frowned, "I'm squishy enough, I don't wanna gain more weight."


"No?" Taehyung said, confused.

"Tae, you're really skinny. You need to eat more."


"Only butt I want is yours, now eat the pizza properly. I won't stop bothering you about it until you eat at least two slices." Taehyung looked down, covering his smile. He didn't want to show it, but he felt a warmth blossom in his chest at his boyfriend caring about him.

He wasn't used to being cared about by another guy.

He loved it so much.

But he loved Jungkook so much more.

Hold the fucking phone. I... Love him. I really do.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook silently. The sparkling eyes that he grew so familiar with in the short time they were together. The small freckles under his lip that he's kissed hundreds of times. The soft lips he could never get tired of.

He got up, sitting back down in Jungkook lap. Jungkook furrowed his brows, "This isn't getting you out of eati-"

"I love you."

Jungkook stared, the words being slowly processed in his mind, "What?"

"I love you, Jungkook," Taehyung said again, a slight twinge of pain in his chest at the thought of being rejected. That pain disappeared as Jungkook stood up, Taehyung's legs wrapped around his waist. He hugged him ferociously as Taehyung held onto his shoulders.

"I love you too, baby. So much."



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