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Taehyung's gym class ended on Friday, and all the other students filed out. Except him. Jungkook was standing in the middle of the gym with a ball under each arm.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung smirked and nodded.

"Perfect," he passed him one of the balls, "first thing you're going to learn is..."

Jungkook cut right to the chase and started teaching Taehyung. Everything was normal, just a teacher teaching a student, but then something happened that had Tae freaking out on the inside.

He couldn't get one particular move, so Jungkook moved behind him and showed him exactly how to move his hands, his chest almost pressed to Taehyungs back, and moved his arms right along his, putting his large hands over Tae's smaller ones.

There is no way that's normal, right?

But he decided to take advantage of the moment and took a small step back, pressing up to him, his ass over the other's crotch, moving his hips slightly in a way that could almost be considered a grind.

Jungkook finished the demonstration, moving away from Taehyung and going to stand in front of him again. He looked composed, but Taehyung did see the slightest hue of red on his teacher's cheeks that wasn't there before.

They continued doing tricks for a few more minutes before Jungkook sugested a one-on-one game, and Taehyung accepted.

The game was normal, with nothing really exciting happening. The two really started feeling comfortable around each other, shouting and even sometimes swearing at eachother during the game. They smiled and laughed, you probably would have mistaked them for two friends instead of a teacher and a student if you saw them.

Sadly it had to come to an end. It was about 5:15 when they finished, they were almost all alone in the school. Jungkook took the ball and started walking to the supply room. Taehyung did as he planned and followed him. Jungkook didn't notice him.

He walked in, and put the ball onto one of the shelves. He turned around, and bumped into Taehyung.

"Oh, Tae, I didn't see you th-" Taehyung pushed him gently against the shelves, pressing his body against the teachers. He looked into his eyes for a second before he closed them and lightly pressed his lips against Jungkooks.

The older boys hands came up to Taehyung's hips, and just as Taehyung thought he'd pull him closer, he pushed him away harshly.

"Taehyung! W-what are you- I'm your teacher for God's sake! And even if I wasn't I'm straight!"



Taehyung hadn't thought that Jungkook might be straight. His reaction from his little grind back there made him think the opposite.

Taehyung blushed madly, humiliated and ashamed of himself. He should have checked, he should have waited a little longer before he did that. Fuck, he shouldn't have done that at all!

"I-I'm sorry, s-sir. I-" Taehyung teared up, his voice failing him. He turned and ran from the supply room, then from the gym, and into the locker rooms. He grabbed his stuff and left, not even bothering to change. He left the school and got into his car before he let the first tear fall.


Eye'm sorry, buuuuut it'll get better. Like, a lot better. Perhaps a little steamy too in the next few chapters.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now