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*A few months later*

Jungkook glanced at the shopping list as he walked down isle after isle. He was going to try and surprise Taehyung with a fancy dinner, since tomorrow was the end of the school year.

He had spent the last few months getting to know Taehyung really well. They we're together on an almost daily basis. But it never got old. Each time, we was so happy to see he his boyfriend, and didn't want him to leave at the end of the day.

However, in the last two weeks, they haven't slept together, which was a little unusual. Usually Taehyung was all over Jungkook, and now he kept their makeout sessions to a minimum, never letting it go farther than that. Jungkook tried not to worry, but promised himself that if it continued this way for another week he'd confront Taehyung about it.

Either way, he got home, and started preparing some of the food that would take longer to make. He cooked multiple types of stake, some chicken, and ordered some dessert from a fancy company. The rest he would make tomorrow after school ended.


*A few weeks earlier*

"Are you sure he'll like it, Jimin?" asks a nervous Taehyung as they walk out of the store.

"I hope so. Yoongi loves it, so let's hope Jungkook does too," responded Jimin, a fond smile falling onto his lips as he thought of his boyfriend.

Taehyung sighed glancing at the bag anxiously.

But Mr. Min and Jungkook are nothing like, he thought.

Instead he answered, "Yeah..."

"When will you surprise him?"

"I don't know... maybe on the last day of school?"

"Smart, considering you most likely won't be able to walk afterwards," Jimin responds with a snicker.

Taehyung just blushed and slapped his arm.

When Taehyung got home he layed out everything be bought on his bed. He looked over the items, forming a plan in his head.

Now, when the time came, he just hoped Jungkook would enjoy his little surprise.


It's been weeks. Please don't kill me.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now