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Taehyung leaned back against his car seat and sobbed. He didn't try to hold it in, he didn't try to hide it. He'd done enough of that in the past, and he promised himself that he wouldn't ever again.

What he didn't know, however, is that Jungkook saw him. He saw his tears, and it's almost as if he heard the boys heartbreak. For some reason, it hurt to see him like that.

He hated it. Whenever one of his past girlfriends would cry, he wouldn't really feel anything. Now it's as if there was a hot knife turning in his heart, he wanted to hunt down and murder whoever made the boy like that, then he remembers that it was his fault Taehyung was crying, and that knife in his heart twisted a little bit more.

What's wrong with me?

Goddamn was Jungkook confused.

When he turned around and saw Taehyung so close to him, his heart did flips. When he pushed him against the shelves and pressed his body against his he felt butterflies in his stomach for the first time ever. And when he kissed him, he immediatly closed his eyes, and got an almost uncontrolable urge to pull the boy closer, kiss him deeper than the soft press of Taehyung's kiss against him.

He put his hands on the boys hips, intending to do just that, but then the rational side of his brain started working, and he ended up pushing the boy away instead. A lot harsher then he intended to.

His heart twisted when he saw the young boys eyes fill with tears after he told him off, which was also a lot harsher than he intended it to be. He was sorry, but for some reason he couldn't say it. Taehyung ran out of the room, and Jungkook ran after him, but the boy either didn't notice, or didn't care, and kept running.

Jungkook got into his car and drove home. He then got a text from an unknown number

xxx-xxx-xxxx: hey its yoongi, party tomorrow at 7. Jimin invited me and told me to invite you too.

He added Yoongi to his contacts and texted him back.

You: I'll be there, send me the address

Yoongi sent you his address.

Jungkook remembered his old party habits. He hoped he wouldn't do anything he'd regret later, but he might as well go. He needed a drink, with all the guilt on his chest.


Jimin knocked on the door of Tae's house. He tried once, then waited. No answer. He tried again.

Still no answer.

In the end he ended up trying to open the door, and found it unlocked.

Taehyung's parents were probably out shopping or running arrands or something.

Jimin took off his shoes and ran upstairs to Taehyung's room. He knocked, and got a monotone, "Come in," from Taehyung.

He opened the door, and found the room in a state of utter chaos. Taehyung was lying on his unmade bed.

"What the hell happened," he said as he looked around the room.

"I kissed him."

"You WHAT?"

"Even worse, he said he's straight."

"You really- Jesus Christ Tae, come here," Jimin said as he sat on Tae's bed and pulled him into a hug.

After a minute, Jimin pulled away, saying he'd be right back.

He came back a minute later with his laptop, and a tub of ice cream and two spoons.

He sat next to Tae, leaning his back on the headboard. He pulled up the fourth season of The Office.

Taehyung smiled to himself, so fucking thankful his best friend was as amazing as Jimin.


Five episodes and two tubs of ice cream later, Taehyung was laughing hysterically beside Jimin.

Then Jimin remembered. "Oh! Tae! I came here because I wanted to go to a party with you," he checked the time on his phone. It was 4:49, "It starts in a little more than two hours. Wanna go?"

Taehyung smiled and jumped over Jimin and off the bed, "Hell yeah! Let's get this bread."

Jimin laughed at his friend's stupidity.

Tae was rumaging through his closet, pulling out highly distressed black skinny jeans that hugged his ass really well, a black t-shirt with a low neckline that showed off his collar bones, and a black leather jacket in case he got cold.

Jimin grabbed his backpack which he had left by Tae's bed and pulled out his clothes that he had packed for the party in advance.

They did their makeup, Taehyung putting on a little bit of concealer and a little bit of pink chapstick which gave his lips a tiny bit of color but still looked natural. Jimin did a little more, he put on a dark cherry red lipstick, a bit of eyeshadow, mascara, foundation, and also concealer.

They were ready just in time to arrive to the party fashionably late.


Ok ya'll things are gonna happen

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now