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Mr. Jeon left the library just as Jimin entered, and he truly considered leaving the library as well, seeing the excited gleam in Taehyung's eyes even from across the room. Instead he sighed, and went to meet his thirsty best friend.

"Jimin you-" Taehyung started, but Jimin cut him off, "Study now, fanboy later!"

Tae sighed, but he knew Jimin was right. So on that note, they proceeded to study.


*Meanwhile in the teachers lounge*

"So Jungkook--that's your name, right?--how do you like the school?" Mr. Kim asked.

"I really like it, Namjoon. I especially like the library. I talked to a student there, he said his name is Taehyung. He recommended this book to me, apperently this is one of his favorites," Jungkook waved the book in his hand.

Yoongi, who was next to Namjoon, took the book from his hand and smirked. "I've read it, Jimin recommened it to me. It's about a romance between a teacher and a student."

Jungkook's mouth fell open, making Namjoon laugh and Yoongi's smile to widen.

"T-that's- Is that even legal?!"

"Not really, you could get into a huge mess because of it," said Namjoon.

"But you can't get in trouble if no one knows," Yoongi said, Namjoon punched him in the arm, making Yoongi smile widely. "You should still read it, it's a really good book," Yoongi finished.

"I will."

Jungkook talked to the principals for a while longer, before dismissing himself and going home. As he left, Namjoon called out to him, "And be careful around Taehyung, he can be quite the trouble maker."

As Jungkook drove home, he wondered. Taehyung didn't seem like the type to cause trouble. In fact, he seemed quite calm and shy.


The two juniors finished studying after about an hour of review.

"I really want to get to know him," Taehyung said, more to himself than to Jimin.

"We both know that's not the only thing you want from him," Jimin smiled evily.

"I mean, how could I not? Did you see how big his hands were? Those beautiful hands would feel so good on my-"

"BYE!" Jimin yelled as he grabbed his backpack and ran like his life depended on it.

Well, maybe his life didn't depend on it, but his innocent ears sure did.

Taehyung chuckled, knowing that he would react like that. As Jimin ran, Tae called out, "See you tomorrow!" which made Jimin do a spin mid run and wave back at him.


Jungkook swiped his hand across the mirror, which had fogged up while he took his shower. He checked out how he looked, wet hair slicked back, only boxers on. He had more prominent abs back in his highschool years, but he still looked good. He had started working out again in the last few months. Years of college parties and alcohol had gotten him out of shape, but now he was almost back to how he looked before, and honestly, he was satisfied with how he looked.

He brushed his teeth and went to bed. Oddly enough, that one student crossed his mind. Taehyung.

If I was gay and he was older, I totally would have gotten him in my bed.

Jungkook blushed at that thought. It was wrong, but he couldn't deny that he was cute, maybe even hot. Okay, very hot.

But wait, he's straight, he shouldn't think thoughts like that at all... how strange.

Jungkook picked up the book from his nightstand, the one Taehyung recommened, and began to read.


It was two hours later that Jungkook glanced at the clock. He could even tear his eyes from the pages of the book. It was amazing, no wonder it was one of Tae's favorites.

He had gotten a little bit past where the student confessed, and the teacher ended up returning her feelings. He was intruiged by the book. It described both the student's and the teacher's feelings, and he was amazed that he never felt anything like that in his life. He had some girlfriends in the last few years, but he never felt what this book described.

He never felt that euphoric feelings when he woke up with them beside him. He never felt the urge to impress them or to cook for them or anything like that. And oddly enough, when the book was talking about what the teacher saw when he looked at the student, it reminded him of Taehyung. How he described her eyes as shining bright yet as deep as the black sea, her figure as soft and welcoming him to touch her, her smile as being able to melt ice... how strange.


Thats about the length i want these chapters to be. And i know there are spelling errors now, but I'll try to go back and fix them later on my phone, since my computer wont show me my mistakes. Kisses ;3

Also (Note from the future) there is something strange with the order of the next few chapters which for some reason I keep trying to fix but cant to Im sorry but plz im sorry dont hate me

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now