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The next day school ended and Taehyung rushed home to get ready.

Taehyung looked around his room. Clothes were piled on his bed and littered the floor. He was trying to put together the perfect outfit but couldn't choose exactly what he was going for.

He picked up his phone and dialed Jimin, who picked up after a few seconds.

"Pick a color!"

"Ugh... pink?"

Taehyung thought for a few seconds, "Silver or gold?"

"Silver," Jimin answered.

"Thanks, bye bitch!" Taehyung hung up.

So now he searched for something pink. He ended up going with a pink t-shirt and light grey jeans. Along with that he put on a thin leather chocker, and some silver earrings. A small silver bracelet went on his wrist, the kind which is supposed to have small charms on it, but this one didn't.

He glanced at the time. It was 4:47. Jungkook should be there to pick him up at 5:00, so that gave Tae a few minutes to brush his teeth again, spray on some perfume that smelled like roses, and mentally prepare himself.

A little later, there was a knock on the door, which Taehyung ran to answer, his shoes already on. He grabbed his phone, showing it in his back pocket. Jungkook stood there, looking as much of a snack as ever in jeans, a white shirt, and timberlands. Over top of that he had a demin jacket.

"Hey," said Jungkook, and since his parents weren't home, Taehyung pulled him in and quickly pressed a peck to his cheek, just in case the neighbors were watching.

"You look good, Kook."

"You look stunning, Taehyung," Jungkook pressed a soft kiss to Taehyung's bottom lip, but didn't take it further than that.

They made their way to Jungkook's car, a 2018 Hyundai Kona. Jungkook drove them to where he lived, parking his car in the garage of his apartment building, the two of them deciding to walk to the ice cream place the to walk back to Jungkook's apartment, maybe do some light shopping along the way.

Jungkook was kind of stressed. He really liked Taehyung, which scared him a little bit, and he really wanted this date to go well. He thought multiple times about what he was going to say, trying not to say anything stupid--which of course, he did a few times. But can you really blame him?

They talked as they walked to the ice cream shop. Taehyung was telling Jungkook about the animal he really wanted to get.

"As soon as I graduate or move into my own place, I want to get a Pomeranian puppy. And maybe a hedgehog. And a sugar glider! Oh my God I love sugar gliders."

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, he found him so cute what he was like this, ranting about something he liked or was passionate about. He hoped that when Taehyung would tell his friends about Jungkook he'd sound just as happy and excited.

They got to the new ice cream shop, which wasn't too busy but still had a few people in line to order. They scanned the sign of flavors and sizes, each picking what they wanted.

Jungkook ordered first, "I would like... two scoops of strawberry ice cream please, in a cone. Tae, what would you like?"

"I'll have a scoop of chocolate in a cone."

Taehyung brought his own money to pay, but he was pleasantly surprised that once he took out his money, Jungkook insisted that he'll pay for him. Taehyung smiled, none of his past dates ever offered to pay for him. It was a heart-warming feeling, having someone insist to take care of you.

They talked and ate their ice cream at an outside seat of the ice cream shop, poking at eachother for getting such basic flavors. Once they finished, Jungkook sugested that they go to the park, since it was nearby, and Taehyung happily agreed.

They got to the park and slowly walked one of the trails that went through a small forest. As they were walked, Jungkook got a little brave and slid his hand into the other's hold, lacing their fingers together. Taehyung smirked when he noticed Jungkook looking at his feet, blushing slightly.

"First you do these brave things and then you get all shy about them. It's so cute, I love it," Jungkook's blush deepened slightly.

They walked in a comfortable silence together for a while. Then, still hand in hand, they headed to Jungkook's apartment.


Welp it wasn't too eventful but lewk at koo being brave

Uwuw i kinda wish i had a bf or gf like koo, any volunteers? ;)

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