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Junkook pov

"I'm in control right now..."

He leaned down and kissed me again, this time he bit my lip, I didn't want to submit so easily, but his hand come up to my throat and pushed down, not hard enough that I couldn't breath but just enough to make it harder. I moaned, slightly dizzy at how new and how good the feeling was, and he took the chance to slip his tounge into my mouth.

I started to fight back with my own tounge, but him pushing down at my throat just a little harder for a moment was enough to get the message across and I stopped, simply letting him exlore my mouth, something I never let him do.

I pulled at the handcuffs as I started to get hard again. I was enjoying this way more than I would ever admit.

He released my throat instead, softly caressing my cheek as he pulled away. We both panted, slightly sweaty and tired.

Taehyung was just getting started though.

He moved to straddle my waist backwards, his ass, still in those red panties, in perfect view. He reached across the bed and popped open a bottle of lube that was sitting there. He generously coated his fingers on one hand, before reaching back and pulling his panties to the side.

And just like that, seated on my body, his ass so tantalizingly close, he started to slowly work himself open. I felt my cock twitch, I was almost fully hard again.

Wet sounds and Taehyungs pants, whimpers and moans fill the air. The only thing I can do is watch. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, prep him myself, just the way he likes it, deep but slow and loving. He continued, adding a second finger, then a third. He worked himself open until he was comfortable with three fingers.

He got off my chest, then off the bed. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a box I didn't notice before. He picked it up and brought it to the bed.

He smiled at me playfully, but I noticed the slight hint of nerveousness, almost fear in his eyes. "The second surprise."

He reached in and pulled out a pink, realistic looking dildo, a sleek purple and clear one, and a small vibrator with a remote. I stared in shock.

A little while ago he asked me out of nowhere how I felt about toys and things of that sort, and I told him the truth, that I really liked the idea of them. In return he said that he was intimidated by the thought.

He crawled back into my lap, reaching over and unlocking the handcuffs. I was too shocked to react right away. I was still very hard and turned on, but I was also slightly confused.

"Taehyung, are you sure? You said you were intimid-"

"I'm not sure... But I trust you, and I want to try it out... Go ahead, love, just, you know- go slow on me." He blushed. Even now, months later, I still found his blush to be the most beautiful sight in the world.

I smiled softly, pulling closer for another kiss. "Alright," I kissed him deeply, getting us both into the mood. I couldn't believe he was letting me do this. Still, I didn't forget the look in his eyes from earlier. I was going to be careful, he was scared, and I didn't want to be the cause of that.

I gently sat up and pushed him onto his back, his legs wrapped around my waist as I ran my hands over the lace he was wearing, slipping my fingers under the panties and squeezing his ass playfully. He moaned against my lips.

Without breaking away from the kiss, I reached over and picked up the first thing my hand landed on--the small vibrator with the remote. There were numbers 1 through 8 on it. I pressed the number 1, and it started slightly vibrating in my hand.

Taehyung bit his lip, blushing madly. I brought the vibrator to one of his nipples and he gasped at the feeling.

"Oh..." I pressed number 2 and brought it to his other nipple, circling it with the vibrator. His body twitched, unsure whether to push into the feeling or move away from it.

I licked and bit his other nipple and continued doing that for a while, until he started moaning and relaxing under me. Then I turned off the vibrations, moving it lower to press into his cock which was still covered with the lace, the tip peaking out slightly. I gently ran the still vibrator across his shaft, before hitting the number 4 button.

It was beautiful how he moaned and arched his back. He bucked into the feeling but I held his hips down with my free hand. He stilled, fists grabbing onto the sheets. I slowly moved it up and down his cock, circling the head a few times before pushing it down into his slit.

His moan was close to a scream, his eyes we're closed, so he didn't see me reach over to the remote and press number eight, putting the vibrations to the highest setting. "Oh my GOD- Jungkook! Pl-please, I-I-I gonna c-cum-" Before he could, I moved the vibrator away from his slit, putting back to the lowest setting.

I moved the vibrator back down his shaft, this time going a little lower to press and move around his balls. "Ahh~ Kookie-"

"Let's move on to the next toy, shall we?" I poured a little lube onto my fingers, rubbing his entrance before pushing in. I wanted to make sure he was stretched enough and I wouldn't hurt him. I picked up the sleek clear, tinted purple dildo, before lubing it up as well and rubbing it against his entrance.

"How do you feel, angel?"

"Good, s-so good, Kook. Please, put it i-" he didn't manage to finish the sentence before I pulled his panties to the side and pushed it in. He moaned and pushed down onto it, trying to get it to go a little deeper.

I didn't bother starting slow this time, and judging my Taehyungs face, he didn't mind either. I pushed it in and out of him at a fast pace, his cock rock hard in the red panties.

"J-j-jungkook!" Not even a minute later, he yelled my name, signaling that he was once again close. I pulled it out, watching him pant for air, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"Let's get these off, wouldn't want something so pretty to get dirty," I said, pulling the panties off of him, leaving him in just the bralet.
I pulled his hips towards me, rubbing my once again hard cock on his entrance.

"A-aren't you going to use the t-third one?"

"I'm too impatient, plus, I'm bigger than that dildo anyway." Taehyung started to laugh at my answer, but his laugh was cut short as he gasped when I slowly started pushing in. My heart warmed slightly when his fans came up to grab at my shoulders, something he does almost every time we make love. When my hip bones we're flush with him, I stilled, letting him get used to the feeling a little.

I captured his lips in a sweet kiss, "Thank you, Tae, for doing this for me. I love you so much."

"I-i love you too, oh fuck~" I started moving, immediately going quick.

It didn't take long for him to come, and me following soon after that. When I pulled out, a little bit of cum started to leak for his entrance, and I quickly pushed it back in with my finger.

I picked him up, bridal style. He was like jelly in my hands as I carried him into the bathroom for a nice hot shower.


Hope u enjoyed that, I'm not 100% sure about it. I don't think it's my best work but it isn't horrible either I think?

I don't know guys lmao

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