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I feel like the character's personalites are less of how they are on camera and more of a mix of them and my crackheadness. So, on that note, lets get this mofoking bread.


"Jimin! JIMIN!" Taehyung yelled.

"Taehyung, the whole school can hear you, tone it down please."

"I CAn'T. Did you see him? That new teacher?" Taehyung fanboyed.

"Yeah I saw him. I also heard him because, unlike you, I was listening, not gaydreaming." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Very funny, but can you blame me? He is honestly like a fucking GOD on earth. I've never seen someone as attractive as him."

"Yeah he's handsome, but I think Mr. Min is better."

"I bet you stare at him none stop in music class."

Jimin scoffed, but chose not to say anything. Taehyung may have been a little bit right on that one.

"No answer? I see how it is."

"Come on, stupid. We have class soon. I'll see you after school, yeah?" They didn't many classes together, but they always met up after school.

"Yeah," answered Tae, and went off to his next class.


Small chapter, others will be longer, hopefully by a lot. Just sort of a quick intro to the story.

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now