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Jungkook pov

His eyes filled with liquid once again, tears slipping from them and rolling down his perfect cheeks. He closed caressed my face and kissed my forehead with his perfect lips.

He pulled back and looked my in the eyes again, smiling gently. His smile had such a strong affect on me. I smiled without even realizing I was doing so.

Jesus Christ, what is this kid doing to me?

"Now, how about we make those brownies, yeah?"

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah."

Tae got off me and ran to the kitchen, waving his hands a little bit in his excitement. I laughed at how cute he was.

I joined him in the kitchen and began explaining to him what to do. Living alone means you either order food every night, which is kinda expensive, or you make it, so I had a little experience with cooking.

We made the mixture and poured it into the pan. I let Taehyung slide it carefully into the pre-heated oven. Then we set a timer for 45 minutes.

Taehyung jumped up to sit on the counter, glancing at his phone notifications. I walked over to him and slid between his thighs.

Taehyung set down his phone and wrapped his arms around my neck, rubbing circles into the skin.

"Hey, stranger," he said, making me laugh.

"So I'm a stranger all of the sudden?"

He hummed, "Yes~"

"Can this stranger have a kiss?"

He laughed, "Sorry, I only kiss my boyfriend."

I decide to go along with his game, "And who may your boyfriend be, cutie?"

"Oh, you know. Just your average absolutely amazing guy. Tall, handsome," he ran the finger tips of one of his hands down my chest and lower to slip under my shirt. He ran his hand firmly over my abs, "strong, sweet guy."

I chuckle, resting my head on his shoulder. I look back up at him and run my fingers through my hair, pushing it back from my forehead.

"Can you're boyfriend have a kiss?"

"Hmmm.... I don't know if he deserves one...."

I mumble, "Now you've done it," and grab him, throwing him (as gently as I could) over my shoulder.

I carry him over to the couch while he laughs and punches my back lightly, and throw him onto the couch,  moving to hover over him.

I stare at him with dark eyes, his smile fading, his breathing a little labored. I lean down closer to him so that he can feel my breath over his lips, my hands going under his shirt and caressing his sides...

And I start vigorously tickling him.

He bursts out laughing as he squirms, trying to get away. After a minute of pleas to stop, I do. He pushes me roughly with strength I didn't know was there and gets on top of me, flipping our position. He layed on my chest, panting. I wrap my hands around his waist, kissing his head.

After a while, I hear soft snores coming from the soft boy on my chest.   "Baby~ wake up," I try to gently shake him awake, but he just snuggles closer into me.

I decide that I'm also tired, and close my eyes and nap until the brownies were ready.


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