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Jungkook pov

He undressed me, unbuttoning my shirt and opening it, the handcuffs not allowing him to fully take it off. I watched as Taehyung kissed down my body. Every kiss he placed on my skin made me feel hotter and hotter and fuck-

The lace he was wearing was absolutely stunning. He said there was another surprise, and that made me all he more impatient to get my hands on him.

He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down my thighs, momentarily getting off the bed to pull then off completely.

He climbed back on top of me, his breath now hitting my still clothed cock, ass in the air, showing off his panties.

He looked up at me with a smirk as he licked me through the underwear. I gasped at the feeling. He pulled my underwear down, too slowly for my liking and licked me again.

Too slow, too gentle.

"Taehyung, please baby, don't tease me. Oh fuck-" he took me into his mouth, and sucked at the tip. He slowly went lower, pushing his tounge into the slit and along the vein on the underside, just how he knew I liked it.

It was both so good and so endearing how he did it, so good because goddamn was he good at this and so endearing because- well, because it was Taehyung.

My Taehyung.

He kept going, even when I said, "Taetae, ah, I'm close, fuck I-" he kept going. Heat exploded in my body as I came. To my amazement, he swallowed nearly all of it, a little dripping down his chin.

With the most innocent eyes, we wiped it off with his thumb and licked it off.

"Oh my god, Taehyung. Come 'ere, kiss me, please, I need it," and he did, with such heat and passion. Moaning into the kiss, I bit his lip, wanting him to open his mouth. Instead however, he pulled away.

"Easy there, Kook. Don't forget I'm in control right now..."


Yes, i know, i disapeared again. I suck 🤷

It's short but I promise the next one will be out very soon.

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