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On Friday, after school Jungkook suggested that they spend some time together. They waited a little, just talking in an empty classroom until most of the other students and teachers left. Jungkook didn't want people to see Taehyung get into his car. That would make people suspicious.

So they waited. Being Friday, people left fast, and a half an hour later, they were in Jungkooks car, headed to the grocery store.

"I hope you don't mind, since I live alone I have to buy my own groceries. "

"Of course I don't mind, I'm more than happy to go with you, actually," Taehyung replied. Grocery shopping with Jungkook made him feel... Somehow warm inside? Like they were a family, an old married couple and the thought of that made his chest feel warm.

Being with Jungkook in any situation did that to him.

They got to Jungkooks apartment quickly. Taehyung ran in and jumped on the couch.

"You hungry, babe?"

"A little."

"You want anything in particular?"

Taehyung thought for a moment, turning on the TV. The TV screen flashed on, the cooking channel on. They were making brownies.

Taehyung gasped, "Can we make brownies?!''

"Shhh, babe. The whole apartment doesn't need to know, and hell yeah we can. Can you Google a recipe?"

Taehyung did, and turned out they didn't have everything. Taehyung whined and pouted.

"I really want to make brownies~"

Jungkook walked over to him, pressing a soft peck to Taehyungs pouty lips. "Then what are you waiting for? Put your shoes on, we'll go get what we need."

"Yay!!!" Taehyung jumped and hugged Jungkook tightly around the neck. Jungkook laughed, wrapping his hands around his boyfriends waist. Jungkook wrote down what they needed to get as Taehyung rushed to put his shoes on.

Jungkook finished and went to the door, where an excited Taehyung was jumping up and down. Taehyung grabbed Jungkooks hand and dragged him out the door.

Hand in hand, they walked the isles. In all his excitement, Taehyung forgot that they we're supposed to be careful about being caught. They just found the last ingredient when a voice interrupted.

"Taehyung? Is that you?" A rough hand spun him around, "It really is. Who the hell is the pimp who's holding your hand, huh?"

"D-don't touch me, Wonho."

"I'm his boyfriend, but you can call me the Grimm Reaper-"

Taehyung squeezed his hand as he tried to step forward and choke Taehyung's ex. He looks back at the younger boy finding that his small hand as shaking in his own and his eyes filled with tears.

He stepped back to Taehyung's side, Taehyung whispered, "I-i'm scared. Please, just, let's g-go."

Jungkook nodded, taking Tae's hand in his own, the touch calming him down. Suddenly, Taehyung was roughly pulled back, his hand being ripped away from Jungkooks.

"The only place you're going is back to my hotel room, and if you," he pointed at Jungkook, 'know what's good for you, you'll stay away from Taehyu-" He fell to the ground, his nose instantly starting to bleed.

Jungkook punched him. Hard.

He stood over him and kicked him in the stomach. He grabbed Taehyung's hand again and began to walk away, pulling Tae gently along with him.

The quickly bought their items and got into Jungkook's car. Once inside, Taehyung let the first tears fall with a broken sob. His boyfriend pulled him into a tight hug across the dashboard. He ran his fingers through Tae's hair with quiet murmurs of, "It's okay, baby," and "please stop crying babe, I hate seeing you cry."


A very odd place to end a chapter but the charger to my laptop broke and I can't write as fast on my phone so I'm struggling with writing the chapters. Hopefully I'll get a new charger soon.



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