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They didn't shower at the party.

Instead Jungkook drove him to his apartment. On the way Taehyung texted Jimin he was alright and to his parents that he was staying at a friends house, letting them assume he meant Jimin.

Jungkook unlocked the door and they walked in.

"Now," Taehyung said. Jungkook was being really shy, so he was trying to help him out, "let's take that shower, yeah?"

"Yeah," Jungkook answered, still looking tense.

Taehyung walked up to him from behind, wrapping his hands around his shoulders, giving a gentle kiss to the back of Jungkook's neck. Taehyung felt the tension leaving his shoulders.

He turned around in his arms, wrapping his own arms around the smaller boy's waist.

"I'm sorry, about earlier. I really got carried away. I... fuck, you're my student, I really shouldn't have. And yet..." Jungkook looked at Taehyung, "There's something about you that drives me wild, Tae."

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's jaw, softly inviting him to lean forward and give him a quick, sweet kiss.

"I'm still so fucking confused." Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's words.

"Let's go shower, hun. Can I sleep over tonight?"

"Of course, as much as I love those pants on you, I'll give you something to change into that's a little more comfortable."

"Thanks, nice apartment by the way. I love the furniture choice," said Taehyung, looking around Jungkook's living room. He followed him into his bedroom, where Jungkook went to his closet and pulled out a hoodie and sweatpants.

"The hoodie should be fine but the sweatpants might a be little big, considering out height difference."

Taehyung smiled, "You're not getting this hoodie back."

Jungkook laughed, and pulled Taehyung into his bathroom.


Even after making out, naked, in the shower for twenty minutes, Jungkook still needed a little encouragement.

Taehyung was wearing the sweatpants and hoodie Jungkook gave him, while Jungkook was wearing only sweatpants, his muscular body exposed.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and made him sit on the bed, before climbing onto his lap.

"Holy shit, you have the most amazing body I've ever seen, Jungkook," Taehyung said as he slid his hand down his body, fingers tracing the V leading down into his sweatpants, sliding underneath the top of them, but not going any further.

"I have a question about earlier," Taehyung nodded, inviting Jungkook to continue. "When you had me do the thing to your ugh... nipples. I've never done that before. But you had a really strong reaction... so I was curious- fuck... I don't know how to say this."

"Be blunt, love," Taehyung said his fingers making small circles above where they rested under the hemline of the older boys sweatpants, making it harder for him to think.

"I want to know how it feels," he blushed.

Taehyung smirked, "I'd be more than happy to help you find out."

He pushed Jungkook to lie back, kissing his sharp jawline. He remembered Jungkook's reaction when he kissed his ears, so he started doing that.

He took the multiple piercings on his lobes into his mouth, sucking and nibbling gently, trying to get Jungkook in the mood.

He was rewarded with Jungkook's breath hitching, a soft whiper making Taehyung smirk against Jungkook's ear.

He whispered in his ear, making sure his lips brushed it while he did so, "If I do something you don't like, tell me. I want to make you feel good, love."

Jungkook responded with a nod and a moan, loving the feeling of his lips brushing ever so softly against his ear.

Taehyung pulled away after tugging gently on his lobe with his teeth. He got off Jungkook, telling him to lie in the middle of the bed to be more comfortable. Then he got back on top of him, and starting kissing his abs and gently sucking hickeys on his V-line.

With a lot of quiet moans from Jungkook, he slowly made his way to his exposed chest, giving the untouched pink nubs a kitten lick, Jungkook's reaction was immediate, his back arching slightly and his hand's tightened around Tae.

"You're very sensitive here, babe," Taehyung smirked, teasing the older boy.

"Tae, baby, please, keep going," Taehyung groaned at the pet name. He loved the way it sounded coming from Jungkook.

He did as Jungkook did before, he used both his hands, seeing what made him simply hum and what made him moan in pleasure. He seemed to love it all. He went back to gently licking one of his pink buds, before he gently sucked, making Jungkook let out a gasp. He continue doing that, alternating from one nub to the other. He had the best reaction when Taehyung lightly bit and pulled. He jolted under the youngers hold, letting out a moan louder than all the others.

Taehyung's hand pulled at the waistband of Jungkook's sweatpants, "Can I?"

"Yes p-please, ah~ fuck! Taehyung!" He bit and pulled against as he shoved Jungkook's pants low enough to take out his hard dick.

He didn't get the best look in the shower, but holy shit was he huge. He could barely get his hand around it, and he had decently large hands. He started pumping, using his precum as a lubrecant, while continuing to abuse his already swollen nipples.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to cum. His back arched and he let out a strangled moan as he came all over his abs and chest. Taehyung kept pumping until Jungkook winced, feeling over sensitive.

He gently lick his dick and stomach clean of cum, while Jungkook propped himself up on his elbows and watched in amazment.

"T-Taehyung, holy shit, you just- Wow, come here," He said and pulled Taehyung into a deep kiss, not minding that he could taste himself.

"Your turn," Jungkook said and started to reach down, but Taehyung grabbed his wrist.

"No, Kook. Watching you was enough for me, now come on, let's sleep."

Jungkook was about to protest, but Taehyung had already pulled the blankets over himself, so he sighed and did the same. He pulled Taehyung towards him. Tae put his head in the crook of his neck, gently placing his hand on Jungkook's bare chest and the older boy held him closely.

With the tingle of the kiss Jungkook pressed to his forehead, for the first time in a while, he fell asleep happily in the arms of a man.


I've written like 6 chapter today and I wanna write like six more

im having a lot of fun with this story

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