//28// M

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Don't forget to answer the question after the chapter~~

Taehyung's pov

I was scared as he looked at me. I couldn't read his expression and it was taking him a while to respond. He just stared at my body with the strangest look in his eyes.

But when he met my eyes with an almost wild look of desire I knew I didn't have to worry that he didn't like it.

"Fuck, Taehyung. Fuck," he pulled at the handcuffs, "Take these cuffs off and let me, fuck, Tae, baby you look so good." He was breathless and I've barely done anything.

I laughed quietly, "Not yet," he met my eyes, which still held that wild expression, "let me play for a little, then you'll have your turn. This isn't the only surprise I have for you..."

"There's more? Shit, I don't know if I can handle more. What is it- ah, shit-" he stutters as I grind down on him again, throwing his head back.

I lean down and suck softly, teasingly at his neck, "That's for later, but for now... relax and let me have my way... can I?"

"Yes Tae, please, do whatever you want just, fuck-"

"I'll make you feel so good, Jungkook."


Do you guys want the next chapter in Tae's pov or Jungkooks?????

I'll be sleeping with my bedroom door locked just in case some of you want to kill me for disapearing for so long and then giving you a shitty small chapter.

Next one will be out in the next few days and I'll try to make it long~

Also thank you for 5k reads tf. I disapear and come back to 5k thank you guys so fucking much

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