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Taehyung and Jimin walked into the house where the party was being thrown. Jimin immediatly went to where the alcohol was, knowing he would find Yoongi there. Taehyung decided to go with him.

He expected to see Yoongi there. He didn't expect to see Jungkook next to Yoongi.

Jungkook looked up from his phone and made eye contact with his student.

His cute student, who made him feel things he never felt before.

And who looked absolutely stunning in the black leather. And his collar bones-

Wow. Just wow.

He was staring and he knew it, yet he didn't want to do anything about it.

Jesus Christ, just looking at Taehyung was starting to get Jungkook riled up. He swallowed, finding his throat had gone dry. He took a sip out of the bottle of beer he was holding. Taehyungs eyes followed the movement of his throat as he drank.

Jimin elbowed him in the ribs, grabbed his hand and dragged him to the two teachers.

"Hey Yoongi."

"Hey Chim," said Yoongi, lightly grabbing his waist and pulling him into a sweet kiss that lasted way too long than it probably should have as Jimin lightly threaded his fingers through his hair.

Jungkook tore his eyes off of Tae and stared in shock as one of his bosses kissed one of his students, in a way that made it clear as day that it wasn't their first kiss.

Taehyung laughed at Mr. Jeon's face, "Okay you two, stop sucking eachother's faces off."

Jimin pulled away, Yoongi slightly chasing after his lips before he got a hold of himself and let go of Jimin.

"Well," Yoongi started, "They're playing seven minutes in heaven upstairs, let's go join."

Jimin and Taehyung screamed their excitement. Jimin grabbed his boyfriend's hand as he said, "I'm only going in there with you though."

The older boy smirk, "You think I'd allow you to do that with anyone else?"


The four of them walked upstairs together. Jungkook was walking next to Taehyung, and his hand accidently brushed the younger boys. He looked away blushing madly.

Jungkook stop it. You're straight!

He calmed down and looked at Taehyung.

I'm straight.

Taehyung looked back at him, making eye contact. Jungkook's heart beat faster.

I think I'm straight.

Their hands brushed again, but this time neither looked away.

Am I really straight?

They all filed into the room. The girl who was directing the whole thing gave the four of them numbers, just as a couple came back into the room from their round.

She briefly explained how the game worked, "You all have numbers, I pick two numbers and the pair with those numbers go into a room by themselves and what ever they say or do together stays only between them. There are multiple bedrooms along this hall which have numbers on them, I'll tell the pair which room to go to to not interupt others."

The four nodded and went to sit together amoung the group of people, which was about thirty or fourty in total.

Taehyung looked down at his number.


A few couples were called, including Jimin, who went with Yoongi, not even waiting for the girl to call the second number, before he heard his number being called.

"23!" He stood up, "and... 46!"

He looked around the room, before he saw movement right beside him.

His partner was Jungkook.


Im so fucking excited

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now