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Taehyung pov

Images flashed in my mind, each worst than the last. They started with an old memory I had, of my parents giving two guys holding hands a dirty look. With the image came a dull buzzing in my chest. But it wasn't the good kind, like the kind when Jungkook kissed me. It was a very uncomfortable feeling, on the verge of becoming pain.

The next image was of when I confessed to this one boy I liked in middle school. The image started off with just being his expression, pure disgust, then another image came up, of him and his group of friends standing around me, kicking and punching me as I lay on the floor, cover in bruises and blood. I curled into myself, trying to escape the blows but nothing helped until a teacher walked in.

The buzzing in my chest when from being on the verge of pain, to actual pain, a slight, bitter ache in my heart

The next image was Wonho. How cold his eyes were when we were together, how he didn't want to hold my hand in public, or even go anywhere with me in public, sometimes.

The ache in my pain turned into cold anger along with pain even worse than before.

And the next image was of something that didn't happen. It was of Jungkook. But not my Jungkook. It was like the previous image of the guy I liked in middle school morphed into him, smiling and laughing as he kicked me. Then Wonho's face did the same, staring coldly at me as he ripped his hand out of mine.

My chest hurt more, almost like a stabbing pain, searing pain in my chest so bad I woke up with a jolt.

I lay in my own bed, alone, panting and sweating.

That was just a dream... nothing more. Jungkook would never do any of those things... I hope.

I felt around for my phone, which was charging on my nightstand, and immediatly called Jungkook. Even though it was about three a.m. in the morning, he picked up right as I started to think he wouldn't.

"Hello?" He sounded so tired, clearly he had just woken up.

"I-I-" I stopped, taking a breath to compose myself, "I just... had a nightmare."

"Tae," He started sounding a lot more awake than he did before, his voice laced with worry. I could see in my mind exactly the expression he wore, his hair touseled and his brows drawn together slightly, a frown decorating his angelic face. "Tell me everything."

And so I did.

Once I finished he was quiet for a beat before asking, "Are your parents home?"

"No, they had to leave for a business trip, they'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

"I'm coming over."

It took him less than ten minutes to get to my house. I opened the door before he could knock, and as soon as he saw me he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. He was in sweatpants and a hoodie, meaning he hadn't changed before coming here.

"Let's go sleep, babe."

"Yeah," I responded in a tired whisper.

We walked upstairs to my room. He pulled off his hoodie and got under my covers, opening his arms, letting me snuggle into his chest.

He kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you," and fell asleep before I even got the chance to respond.



Alsooooooo im sorry if yall are gonna hate me, but I kinda feel like fucking shit up. I think. Might be totally lying to y'all rn ngl

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