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going to specify a lil something. Tae is 5' 8" and Kook is 6' 1" cuz i'm a real sucker for height differences uwu

also Kim and Min Academy is an all boy school. forgot to mention that as well.


Before Taehyung knew it, it was Thursday--his first PE class with Jungkook. He was more than thrilled.

His classmates changed and filed into the gym, him being the first one in. Jungkook looked up and smiled as he made eye contact with Tae. Jungkook hadn't talked to many other students in the last few days, but he already knew that Taehyung was going to be his favorite student.

"Okay class, my name is Mr. Jeon, for all of you who weren't paying attention when I introduced myself. Today we're going to be starting our basketball unit," Taehyung was hyped. He was an amazing basketball player. "I assume you all know how to play, but we'll briefly go over the rules and types of passes. When I point to you, say your name and a rule or a way to pass or something along those lines. Let's see... Taehyung, start us off."

Taehyungs eyes lit up as he answered, making contact and not breaking it as he spoke. When he finished, Jungkook said, "Now choose someone else."

That continued for a few minutes, and then they got balls, did a few laps while dribbling and practicing shots, and then started to play. The game was great, they were shouting at each other and laughing and having fun. This was way different then with their previous teacher.

Sadly, because they were enjoying it so much, the class ended way faster than they wanted it too.

"Alright class, see you tomorrow," Jungkook said as the class filed out, Taehyung subtley staying back. Mr. Jeon started picking up basketballs the students left around the gym.

"You know, you can just make us pick the balls up ourselves," Taehyung told him as he started to help him clean up.

"Really? Think I'll do that next time," Jungkook groaned as he bent down to pick up a ball, "I'm too old for this."

"No you're not, your like, what, 27? 28?"

"23, actually," Taehyung smirked, maybe he had a little bit more of a chance with him than he thought. Not that big of an age gap.

"Younger than I thought," Tae said as Jungkook picked up another ball and started doing tricks (Idk what else to call them).

"Woah, how'd you do that?"

"It's pretty easy, actually, once you get it."

"Can you teach me how?" Taehyung said, eyes gleaming.

"Sure, but not now, I have a class in a few minutes. So do you, actually. But tomorrow I think I have you guys for the last period, so you can stick around after that, if you'd like." Jungkook smiled, appreciation how cute his students smile was.

"Sounds great! I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Jungk- Mr. Jeon," Taehyung mentally kicked himself, he had been calling his teacher by his first name in his mind.

Jungkook just smiled.

Taehyung rushed from the gym, having helped with most of the balls, and went to quickly change and hopefully not be late for his next period. In the locker rooms, he started plotting.

Friday after school. All the teachers and students rush to leave, so he'll be alone with Mr. Jeon in the building. Well, except for maybe Mr. Kim, but that doesn't really matter. They'll play basketball, then when Mr. Jeon would go into the sports supplies room, Taehyung would silently follow him and when they'll be in there alone he'll-

Actually, he wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he wanted to do at least something.


Welp. I'm really excited

The Struggles of A "Straight" Teacher // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now