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Hello ^^

I'm here with a filler chapter:)

Hope you enjoy ❤

The inedible breakfast is enough pain in the mouth but having Taehyung at the same table makes it a lot more suffocating. Yes, Jimin wants to get close to the inner circle but he doesn’t want to deal with the beasts that early in the morning. Jimin stabs his boiled egg with his plastic fork and puts it in his mouth with disgust and leans back on his chair.

“Why are you here Hyung?” Finally Jungkook asks the question he’s been craving. Jimin knows an unofficial hierarchy exists and Jungkook, despite being under Tae’s protection, is not allowed to share a table with him. Min and his men are royalties, Jungkook and those under their protection are what they call “bitch” and men like him who belongs to nowhere and no one… well… they’re basically no one, they possess no privileges, no rights. They’re at the bottom of food chain. So he really wants to know why Taehyung is at their table and why Min is nowhere to be found.

“Boss is out. Hasn’t returned yet.” Taehyung explains casually while sliding his own tray of food toward hungry Jungkook. Jimin arches a brow at this. Out out? But he knows better than to ask any questions in front of Taehyung. The man might not treat him like a stranger thanks to Jungkook but he knows he won’t hesitate coloring him in crimson if he oversteps the boundaries. If there is one thing he has learnt in this place is that asking about Min is that boundary. “And I can’t stand that arrogant bastard when Boss isn’t around.”

Taehyung reaches for his pack of cigarette and takes one out. He winks at Jimin who is looking at him with wide eyes and lights up the cigarette. He puffs the smoke in Jimin’s face teasingly, an annoying smirk on his face.

Jimin scoffs, finding the situation extremely wrong. “How is it fair that you can smoke here and I can’t?”

“Boss’s order, sweetcheeks.”

“But you’re doing it.”

“Boss ain’t here so I do whatever the fuck I want.” Taehyung tabs on his stick carelessly, letting the ashes fall on the table. “No one dares to rat me out.”

Jimin wants to insult the man out of spite. His fingers are itching to grab his own and inhale the poison into his lungs, he can already feel his migraine building up but he has to wait. “Asshole.” He mumbles and then crosses his arms against his chest.

“I swear to all the Gods I don’t believe in, I haven’t heard that insult since pre-school.” Taehyung cackles, clapping his hands in process. Jimin feels warmth running under the skin of his cheeks, even sweet Jungkook is laughing at him. “He’s a fucking child.”

“I-I just di-didn’t want to offend you.”

“As if you could.” Taehyung leans forward to ruffle his hair, earning a pout in return. “you’re too cute for that.”

“I-I can offend you.”

“10 boxes you can’t.”

Jimin blushes even harder, now feeling itchy all over his skin. “F-Fuck you.” The cliché insult could have sounded insulting if he hadn’t stuttered or at least had gotten rid of that pout.

“Awwww” Taehyung coos and places the stick back between his plump lips. “He is adorable.”

Jimin’s lips parts and tries to think of a better insult. It’s not that he doesn’t know words, he has heard many, had been called names, he just can’t use them. Can’t push himself to be like Him. So instead he opts to change the subject. “But if they turn Mi- I mean the boss against you… well… you won’t scare them if not for him.”

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now