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I know I'm back a little sooner. From now on I'll be updating on Wednesday and Sunday^^

And we've got some +18 TaeKook ^^ Holy water is needed. I don't remember writing it :))))) What happened?


Jimin thinks he is going to die. He is so used to the chattering of the prisoners, the squeak of chairs against the concrete floor, the clack of guards boots on the ground and rattle of trays and spoons, that he thinks the deafening silence in the eating hall is going to suffocate him soon. He is stuck and can’t leave, not that he is willing to be anywhere out of the guard’s side.

It’s been a week since the incident at the yard yet nothing significant has happened. Well, at least not to him, can’t say the same about others as the fighting has increased inside the walls.

Things has been changing, he can feel it. Everyone has become restless, on edge. Even the guards and Jimin wonders for how much longer Min can keep his underground empire together. He is scared too. He knows if Min falls, he will fall too. Kwon won’t be fast enough to pull him out and the prison will turn into his cascade.

He doesn’t understand how Jungkook and Taehyung are so unaffected by the heavy atmosphere settling in the hall. Jungkook is leaning against Taehyung while the older’s fingers play with his dark locks gently while putting more food in the younger’s tray every now and then, not eating his own share as always. If anything, they look even more affectionate.

Jimin can’t decide what’s worst. Constantly third-wheeling and witnessing their make-out sessions or the constant fear of being attacked.

From the corner of his eyes he can see both Min and Seokjin sitting side by side, none of them touching their trays. Min is busy reading a book and Seokjin’s eyes look distant while poking on a cigar. Breaking Min’s rule right in front of his face yet the blonde is not protesting, doesn’t even spare him a glance as the man rudely puffs a cloud of smoke straight to his face.

“He is bold.” Jimin murmurs. Stabbing the overcooked egg in his tray. “It’s kinda cool.”

Taehyung raise a brow at that, smirking. “It’s childish.”

“he is tall, he is handsome and he is breaking the freaking king’s rule right under his nose.” Jimin says as he narrows his eyes. “That’s freaking cool, Mr jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. I just know him well.”

“Whatever gets you through the night.”

“Seokjin sometimes break the rules as a strategy.” He moves forward, lowering his voice. “If you have noticed, Seokjin doesn’t look like Min’s subaltern. It’s more like… like… how to say it… as if they work together? And no one considers Seokjin as a loyal dog of Min Yoongi. That’s why even if they take both, the boss and I, down, they probably won’t go after Seokjin. A man of power like him that isn’t loyal to boss? It’s gold.”

“And The boss doesn’t feel threatened by that?”

“Nuh. He trusts him.” Taehyung answers, putting more of his breakfast in Jungkook’s tray. The kid’s hunger seems unquenchable. “But that’s not why he is acting rude right now.” He whispers as he leans even closer indicating what he is about to say is a lot more exclusive than what he just explained. “He is trying to get Boss’s attention. Boss hasn’t talked to him since the other day in clinic so he is being a brat to force him to talk. Of course the boss being the most patient guy in this prison is never going to fall for his trick. Seokjin could smack him in the head or trip him and he won’t spare him a glance.” He chuckles, lifting a hand to close Jimin’s open mouth by pressing finger under his chin. “Like I said, he is being childish.”

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