⚠️ Save Me

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holy shit BTS comeback is really happening djjskmhdlskafskjf
Can you believe this... and the name is 7

Remember when we were fighting over Shadow and Ego? :))))))))


Ottokaji Ottokaji??????? (Read it in Prince Min Min tone)

Also i watched BV and i'm really upset that anties made JK question if he is allowed to be smiling and happy.


Now about the chapter... well the warning is in the tags but I'm still warning you, this chapter contains sensitive content. I'm sorry.

Also flashbacks on Yoongi... It sets just a few weeks after his mother's death.


The room smells of dust, mold and blood, even in the dim lighting Jimin can figure out dark spots on the musty cement walls and he knows for sure that those aren't paint. It's not the first time someone has been brought here. It looks like a torture chamber minus the dangling chains.

He feels groggy, confused and very very scared. Chest rising and falling so fast and little tremors of terror and cold wrecking his body and making his muscles ache from how hard he is clenching his body.

Jimin was forced to kneel in the middle of the not so big room maybe five minutes ago. He can't tell for sure. It could be just a minute for all he knows. He is surrounded by men he can barely recognize, most of the faces are from the yard which means he is somewhere in the block A and in front of him stands one man he's been trying to avoid all these weeks. Moo has his back resting on the wall, staring at him without uttering a word, fiddling with a large knife Jimin can't take his eyes off of.

He is literary and figuratively screwed.

Best case scenario, he is going to die with a slit in his throat.

Worst case scenario, they'll skin him alive after torturing him for hours, until he cries and begs them to end it.

Jimin doesn't know which one he hates more, the current excruciating pain of waiting or when Moo decides to start his attack. He figures it doesn't really matter because he is going to hate both. He is chained and powerless and on his knees, completely at the mercy of these thugs, waiting for them to decide his destiny.

Moo tilts his head slightly before approaching the boy on the floor with steady steps, still staring. Nothing else. Jimin could hear his own pulse in his ears, blocking out all other sounds in the room except the breath that is raggedly moving in and out of his mouth. He, too, is staring. Finding it hard to take his eyes off of the polished weapon.

"It's Jimin. Right?" Moo finally breaks the silence as he stops right before the trembling boy. Jimin doesn't answer, fear clouding his mind. A childish frown appears on Moo's face as the boy doesn't acknowledge his question so he points the sharp tip of the knife at him. Jimin's whole body tenses and a cold drop of sweat trails down the side of his face. "I asked you a question, bitch."

"Y-yes.Yes.Yes" This time he doesn't waste a second before answering, still staring. The connection has to be held. If it breaks... he dies. He's sure of it. The tip is only maybe an inch away from the spot between his eyes.

Moo takes a knee, slowly, as if he doesn't want to scare the boy which is ironic considering he is the one holding a knife to his face. Jimin can feel the tip of the knife against his throat a second later, ghosting across his skin. "I gotta say. He's got a taste." The sharp edge rests against the popped up vein on his throat. "You're pretty." Jimin doesn't answer, doesn't swallow, doesn't even breath in fear of it piercing his skin. One wrong move and he'd be a goner. Moo trailed the knife up, not cutting just brushing gently, enough to let the boy be aware of its existence, he pushed it between his parted lips, sharp side facing inward. "Bite down. Don't hurt yourself."

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