Il bacio della morte

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Jimin wakes up with a start, eyes flying open. The sheets and pillow are wet, soaked in sweat and tears. He knows he’s been crying in his sleep. He is sweating yet he feels cold, too cold.

Last night was good. Maybe not actually good but still better than today because he was numb. Be it the sedatives or shock, didn’t matter. He was numb which is what he needs right now. Last night he could pretend that it would be alright, he would survive this one too. But today he knows that’s not the case.

It’s like a pit. A deep dark pit. A never ending pit that consumes everything and leaves you with nothing. And this nothingness is so consuming you can’t pretend that it’s going to be okay. Jimin thinks it’s going to kill him because this nothing is heavier than anything else, crushing his chest. This nothing feels like a rope around his neck, squeezing his windpipe.

Jimin doesn’t want to be awake, his mind has turned against him, taunting him, reminding him how it’s never going to okay. He can’t sleep either because his dreams are full of hands, touching him, groping him. His face, lips, neck, arms, legs, back, stomach, everywhere, they touch everywhere. In his dreams he cry and beg but the men never listen. They laugh at him, they take and they enjoy it. And he knows no amount of begging and screaming is going to save him so he cries harder and they mock him.


He just wants to die.


He can still feel everything. The wondering hands, the disgusting taste on his tongue, blood and pain. He can still feel the humiliation and helplessness.


Someone’s fingers card through his sweaty locks. He doesn’t flinch away. The touch is gentle, warm and he wants more. It reminds him of when Seokie Hyung did the same each time his father hurt him. Fuck. He misses Seokjie Hyung so much. He needs him.

“B-boss?” Jimin whispers despite the horrible pain in his mouth. He kicks the blanket away and sits up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

“Hi, love.” Yoongi smiles as he keeps stroking his hair.

“I’m happy it’s you.” And not someone else.

Jimin knows Yoongi heard the unspoken words. It’s in his eyes. The way his pupils trembled.

He is happy. He is really happy because he knows right now the man in front of him is the only person who will never hurt him. Not Kwon, not Jungkook, not guards, not even Taemin. Yoongi is the only person who can calm his pacing heart.

“I’m sorry.” Yoongi murmurs and Jimin finally raise his eyes to look at the man. He can’t stop the tangling of his brows upon seeing his face. Jimin swears it’s worse than his own. Skin littered with cuts and bruises, handprints and nail marks. His throat bearing the same condition and Jimin knows he would throw up if he ever saw the condition underneath his uniform. Seokjin didn’t lie when he said they intended on punching the truth out of him. “I’m sorry, love. I’m so fucking sorry.”


“I promised to keep you safe and… I’m sorry.”

Jimin doesn’t break their gaze, he keeps on watching him. He can read all over his face how sorry he is, how much it hurt him too. “Boss?”

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now